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Topic: Help me find the pictured book?

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Subject: Help me find the pictured book?
Date Posted: 7/25/2018 4:58 PM ET
Member Since: 5/10/2005
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Can anyone help me find an ISBN for a cover?

Hsa the title Wild Wire:  60+ projects.  That is indeed the title of the book with that ISBN.

However, the cover shown there has the title 50+ projects. 

I want the book that is pictured (because I want the directions for the flowers on the cover) but I can't find an ISBN or anything else for it.

(I have not yet filed a request to update the DB by removing that cover, because it's on my only link to the one I want.  I don't mind getting the book that matches the ISBN off my WL, but it isn't the one I expected and I'd also like the one pictured.  I know covers can change, but at least 3 of the projects on the cover are NOT in the book that matches the ISBN for that entry, not to mention the title difference.)


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Date Posted: 2/17/2019 10:37 PM ET
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Is this it?

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Date Posted: 2/18/2019 11:00 AM ET
Member Since: 5/10/2005
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It's the same ISBN as here. Just like here, the title is 60, the image is 50.    I could ask the seller if I could figure out how to contact them.

I'd really like to put it on my WL, but I wonder if the ISBN got reused so it's a random crap shoot, or if they released the image then changed it before publication.