Rubber stamping is an inexpensive way to decorate and create. THis books tells how to use rubberstamping on greeting cards, wallpaper, gift boxes and bags, calendars, furniture, and anything esle you'd like to decorate. Patterns, templates, easy to follow instructions, great pictures. Lots of instruction for techniques and several colorful pictures of each.
I wonderful book!
I wonderful book!
Carrie O. (carrieo) reviewed The Great Rubber Stamp Book: Designing * Making * Using on + 57 more book reviews
Beautifully illustrated, to teach you how to stamp invitations, picture frames, photo albums, doors, vases, walls, fabric-almost anything you can dream of! The book teaches about the tools, techniques and about a number of backgrounds. It also teaches about sponging to achieve different effects, like the airbrush look.
Krista m M. (WyoKrista) reviewed The Great Rubber Stamp Book: Designing * Making * Using on + 101 more book reviews
Basic Rubber Stamping techniques. Definately will spark some creativity in anybody.
From the woman who put rubber stamping art on the map!