Linda H. (lynn) reviewed The Great Railroad Race: The Diary of Libby West (Dear America) on + 43 more book reviews
I've enjoyed using the dear american series for homeschooling. They give a good background of the times in history.

Enjoyed by both my daughter and myself. Fun read about the "olden days" from a childs point of view.
Heidi F. (dutchgirl) reviewed The Great Railroad Race: The Diary of Libby West (Dear America) on + 1019 more book reviews
A story from Utah territory 1868

Libby is following the transcontiental railroad across the country! As her father follow the story for the newspaper, read about Libby's hopes, dreams, and fear as she watches the Great Railroad Race.
Joyce H. reviewed The Great Railroad Race: The Diary of Libby West (Dear America) on + 19 more book reviews
Good book
Alice B. reviewed The Great Railroad Race: The Diary of Libby West (Dear America) on + 3635 more book reviews
This is a wonderful, Beautiful copy and book, story and romance.I have read many of the great America books but this is my favorite. Libby West who is 14 years old and her Mom, 7 year old brother Joe, dad and dad's business partner Pete. The story begins at the family's home in Denver. Dad a handicapped Civil War Veteran who still has shrapnel in his legs which slows him down. But Dad is an adventurer and gets the idea that if he can follow the transcontinental railroad west in 1868 and 1869 that he can start his own paper. And his wife insists that she and their two children Libby and Joe go as well. One day his friend Pete from the Civil War shows up. He never bathes so Libby does not get too close to him. They begin going north following the transcontinental railroad in Cheyenne, Wyoming, in the fall of 1868 they stay in hotels, homes and tents as the railroad meets in the summer of 1869. They have many adventures along the way.Including Libby following in love plus the whole family gets to witness a great part of American history and a true Adventure..