N R. (Moonpie) reviewed Great Girl Food: Easy Eats Tempting Treats for Girls to Make on + 1177 more book reviews
Easy eats and tempting treats for girls to Make. Cinnamon bear pancakes, cow girl burritos, spaghetti pie, lemonade fizz, less mess cake, and more. Lots of fun recipes and cute ideas for girls to make and share. Great ideas for holidays and sleepovers.
Another great American Girl book.
Another great American Girl book.
Den F. reviewed Great Girl Food: Easy Eats Tempting Treats for Girls to Make on + 37 more book reviews
This is a great mom/daughter book even if you're NOT into American Girl dolls (even my sons had fun with the recipes). They are simple fun things to make, for sleep-overs, holidays, etc. There are some really cute, fun activities. Turn off the t.v.--make a fun treat and encourage that creative part of your child's brain!
Allison M. (omphaloskepsis) reviewed Great Girl Food: Easy Eats Tempting Treats for Girls to Make on + 37 more book reviews
I loved this book when I was young!! Recipes are easy, and good for picky eaters!
Louise G. (louagarn) reviewed Great Girl Food: Easy Eats Tempting Treats for Girls to Make on + 22 more book reviews
Greaat Girl Food
Cinnamon bear pancakes, cowgirl burritos, spaghetti pie, lemonade fizz, less-mess cake,and much more - dozens of fun and easy recipes to tease your taste buds every day! Plus speical treats for holidays and sleepovers.
Cinnamon bear pancakes, cowgirl burritos, spaghetti pie, lemonade fizz, less-mess cake,and much more - dozens of fun and easy recipes to tease your taste buds every day! Plus speical treats for holidays and sleepovers.
Dawn Faith G. reviewed Great Girl Food: Easy Eats Tempting Treats for Girls to Make on + 14 more book reviews
What a great cookbook for beginners...especially girls who like American Girls. My daughter wanted to begin trying the simple recipes quickly!