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Topic: Grace gets a raise

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Subject: Grace gets a raise
Date Posted: 10/23/2014 10:39 AM ET
Member Since: 4/19/2008
Posts: 5,905
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Stanley peeked up from his newspaper, his specs pushed way down to the bulb of his nose.  "Looks like you got a raise, Gracey"

He said in his best down-east Maine accent.  "Says so hare proximate to the furniture ad. Gotcha a COLA"

"A what?" she looked up from her novel "What cola, what furniture ad, whatcha talkin', pa"

"A COLA, and Going Out of Business" crocked Stanley "You got 1.7% and you kin get a new rocka for 30% off"

Grace was no fool she had taught math in Grey for 30 years, "That half a percent, that's like a diet cola"

"Haa" Stanley snorted "That ain't no sale, no wonder they named it Goin' out of Business"

"Betcha life, and you gotta pay taxes and more medicare, no new rocka for me"


Last Edited on: 10/23/14 10:51 AM ET - Total times edited: 1