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Topic: Good news on plastic recycling

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Subject: Good news on plastic recycling
Date Posted: 8/27/2023 4:23 PM ET
Member Since: 9/22/2010
Posts: 7,452
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Here is some really good news on the plastic recycling problem.....

"A team of [University of Florida] researchers led by Dr. Brent Sumerlin, the George B. Butler Professor in the Department of Chemistry, has made a breakthrough with the potential to transform how we recycle plastics. Their innovative approach to working with polymers has led them to develop a new method for recycling that promises to lower the energy requirement without sacrificing the quality of the plastic."

Click here to read the complete news article.

Now, if we could only get people to read and follow the regulations on what goes in and what does not go in the recycling bins, we'd make tremendous progress.  But I'll probably never see that in my lifetime.