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Topic: I'm going to get my husband in the navy

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obsidianfire avatar
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Subject: I'm going to get my husband in the navy
Date Posted: 1/8/2009 7:15 PM ET
Member Since: 1/30/2006
Posts: 1,012
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Yes, that's my new years resolution!  What it means though is improved all around health for both me and my husband.  He's had trouble dropping those last pesky 10 pounds so he can get in the navy.  And he won't log his food, hate's counting calories, ect...

But all it not lost.  We started Weight Watchers together and it really seems to be his perfect fit.  He's always very careful to not go over his points.  He's even trying not to use his weekly points!  Something about this diet click with him.  So we are both doing and both losing pounds already!

Course this is one resolution we wont' get another chance at next year.  It's now or never.  In December 2009 he will be to old to get in, so we've got to get him in fast!

So wish us luck!

In fact if he get's in I think I celebrate by posting a few books for free.  In fact when he gets in, my first three orders to go out, I'll send them their creditts back!  Woot!

carolceltic avatar
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Date Posted: 1/11/2009 7:46 PM ET
Member Since: 6/11/2006
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what great goal for both ofyou

carolceltic avatar
Member of the Month medalFriend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 1/11/2009 7:46 PM ET
Member Since: 6/11/2006
Posts: 12,826
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what great goal for both ofyou