What can I say about Goddess of Vengeance? If you've read any of Jackie Collin's novels, then you know it is pure unadulterated fun that you hate to see end.
Lucky Santangelo is back! Her and husband Lennie are very happy. He's directing indie films and she's busy running her new hotel and casino complex, The Keys, in LA. They have three children, and vibrant Max is about to turn eighteen. She's involved in an affair with a movie star that at all costs must be kept secret.
Lucky's son Bobby owns a string of nightclubs, but has gotten involved with shady Russian investors. Lucky is kept busy juggling fame, wealth and her family, but all of her happiness is about to be on the line.
Young Prince Armand Jordan is not used to being told no. He wants something, he acquires it. What he wants is The Keys and Lucky isn't selling. So, he does what any spoiled brat would do. He decides to play hardball and goes after Lucky and her family with everything he has. Armand doesn't know that when you play with matches, you get fire, and Lucky brings the blaze to him with a vengeance!
With many substories and characters, the light shines on not only Lucky and her glamorous high-maintenance life, but also on her children. The stakes are high and the game of cat and mouse will keep you entertained as the pages just fly by. A heart-pounding ride of suspense, drama, love, hope and vengeance, Jackie Collins is at the top of her game and Goddess of Vengeance is one of her best works yet.
Lucky Santangelo is back! Her and husband Lennie are very happy. He's directing indie films and she's busy running her new hotel and casino complex, The Keys, in LA. They have three children, and vibrant Max is about to turn eighteen. She's involved in an affair with a movie star that at all costs must be kept secret.
Lucky's son Bobby owns a string of nightclubs, but has gotten involved with shady Russian investors. Lucky is kept busy juggling fame, wealth and her family, but all of her happiness is about to be on the line.
Young Prince Armand Jordan is not used to being told no. He wants something, he acquires it. What he wants is The Keys and Lucky isn't selling. So, he does what any spoiled brat would do. He decides to play hardball and goes after Lucky and her family with everything he has. Armand doesn't know that when you play with matches, you get fire, and Lucky brings the blaze to him with a vengeance!
With many substories and characters, the light shines on not only Lucky and her glamorous high-maintenance life, but also on her children. The stakes are high and the game of cat and mouse will keep you entertained as the pages just fly by. A heart-pounding ride of suspense, drama, love, hope and vengeance, Jackie Collins is at the top of her game and Goddess of Vengeance is one of her best works yet.

I've been a fan of Jackie Collins since I was in my teens. I've read CHANCES, the first book in the Santangelo series, twice. Great brain candy as only JC can dish it. CHANCES had something these later books in the series lack - substance. Layers.
GODDESS OF VENGEANCE is repetitive to a fault. It's as if JC had her character profiles in front of her the entire time she was writing and kept reminding the reader of the same character traits every time their scene came up! And if I read "Never eff with a Santangelo" one more time...geesh, we get it!
I also can't get over the fact that Lucky's brother Steven never made it into this book, aside from an extremely brief mention about him being in Hawaii...not even a phone call for Max's 18th birthday? What, did Jackie totally forget about Steven and have to throw that in at the last minute? Dunno.
At any rate, I was not thrilled with this latest installment and I think JC should stick a fork in this one. I'm giving up on the series unless she writes a finale, which I hope is soon. She may put a bit more effort into a cap to the series.
GODDESS OF VENGEANCE is repetitive to a fault. It's as if JC had her character profiles in front of her the entire time she was writing and kept reminding the reader of the same character traits every time their scene came up! And if I read "Never eff with a Santangelo" one more time...geesh, we get it!
I also can't get over the fact that Lucky's brother Steven never made it into this book, aside from an extremely brief mention about him being in Hawaii...not even a phone call for Max's 18th birthday? What, did Jackie totally forget about Steven and have to throw that in at the last minute? Dunno.
At any rate, I was not thrilled with this latest installment and I think JC should stick a fork in this one. I'm giving up on the series unless she writes a finale, which I hope is soon. She may put a bit more effort into a cap to the series.