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Topic: Gluten free suggestions

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mepom avatar
Mary (mepom) -
Subject: Gluten free suggestions
Date Posted: 2/16/2015 5:56 PM ET
Member Since: 1/23/2009
Posts: 1,192
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I became gluten-free in August. Did not understand the definition, nor the reasoning. MD recommended. Wow. I am hooked. No weight loss, but pain free. If you have recipes, please share. I understand meat, vegs, fruit, cheese, dairy. But if you have tried and liked a recipe that is different, please share. 

I found gluten-free pasta, Jap bread crumbs, frozen pizza crust, home-made tamales. 


Yuki1984 avatar
Date Posted: 2/21/2015 9:41 PM ET
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You might want to look at different paleo recipes.  Strict paleo is usually gluten-free as it depends on fresh meats, fruits and veggies (no dairy, beans or grains) - there are some really good recipes that I have made using almond meal for bread or cookies and other things. Pinterest has become my best friend for different recipes.  I made a ragu recently and put that over a bead of spaghetti squash (instead of pasta).

susank17 avatar
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Date Posted: 2/24/2015 8:06 PM ET
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I can't handle the added gluten in commercial breads and I don't want to fire up the bread machine all the time.  I found a whole grain brown rice gluten free bread at Trader Joe's (if there is one near you, or equivalent) that is very good toasted.  Would eat it anyway.

goddessani avatar
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Date Posted: 6/15/2015 12:04 PM ET
Member Since: 7/25/2005
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I like the LaTortilla Factory white teff tortillas.  Not as chewy as the brown rice tortillas and they're foldable (the brown rice always cracked and tore on me).  Franz has a couple of gluten free breads: a seeded dark bread and I like their Cascadia White for toast.  Trader Joe's hamburger buns are my favourite.  Not *quite* as dry as Udi's.  I use them for stuff other than hamburgers also.  And Papa Murphy's gluten free pizza crust isn't bad.