What a book - this book is so good, I am putting it on my shelf to read again, that never happens! A collection of a short stories or a book with characters weaving in and out - I don't know or care how you call it, it was excellent.
As a girl who finds herself right in the thick of this book, I found my friends amongst her characters and even found myself in some of the same situations. I think this is why I fell so much in love with this book because I could completely relate to all of the characters. I enjoyed that each chapter involved a few of the friends, but you saw them again in another chapter. So yes, maybe it was a collection of short stories, but because you saw the characters again, I think it is a book where each chapter highlights a different character. I will not divulge any details - because this is a must grab, purchase it quickly.
I will be buying this book in bulk for my girlfriends - I know they will love to read about us at the time we are right now in our lives.
Not my cup of tea. I usually like this genre. Writing was very disjointed & skipped around a lot.
Girls in White Dresses is a meandering story of a group of friends living through their 20s. As such, it speaks to the newness of life, moving out of our parents home, the dating scene, jobs, finding yourself, relationships, and of course, weddings.
The book went back and forth between the friends. At times, it was a little difficult to keep the characters straight. That made the story a hard to follow and thus to enjoy. Perhaps, that is the nature of being in your twenties - going here and there until you finally figure it out?
A light, easy, summer read.