Ghosthunting Ohio - Haunted Heartland Series Author:John B. Kachuba Whether you believe in ghosts or other aspects of the paranormal, every culture has its folklore and many, many people have had an experience they simply cant explain. John Kachuba decided to investigate for himself, so he started with his home state of Ohio. GHOSTHUNTING OHIO examines more than 30 of the spookiest haunts, from cemeterie... more »s to inns and taverns to libraries and cafes, all over the Buckeye State. The results might surprise even the most devout skeptics. "There are experiences that defy logic, science, and technology, strange occurrences for which we have no explanation. I cannot explain the whitish orbs that appeared in some photos I took in buildings said to be haunted. I cannot explain the feelings of negative energy I felt in a haunted basement," says the author in the books introduction. "I am not a sensitive or medium. Im an average guy, just like you, with a curiosity about things paranormal. My intentions as I wrote this book were to accurately and objectively describe for you my observations and experiences, as well as the experiences of others I met along the way, and then let you draw your own conclusions." In GHOSTHUNTING OHIO, readers will learn of haunted locales from across Ohio, including: The Majestic Theatre in Chilicothe, where victims of the 1918 Spanish Influenza were "stacked like cordwood"
Fort Meigs in Perrysburg, where an invisible solider has been known to walk employees to their cars at night
The Cincinnati Art Museum, home to at least three ghostsincluding a seven-foot tall medieval monk
The Ashtabula library, where the ghost of Ethel, a former librarian, is said to still walk the halls
Plus tales of Logans Guitar Man, Columbuss Lady in Gray, and many more« less