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Topic: Do you friends think your broke??

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Subject: Do you friends think your broke??
Date Posted: 5/21/2008 2:59 PM ET
Member Since: 11/7/2007
Posts: 14
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You know it's kind of funny, everytime someone see's me reading a financial selfhelp book they ask if I'm having money trouble and offer advice.  What they don't know is that even though I make way less than most people my age (26) I am way more financial stable then they will ever be and have almost broken every chain of debt in my life, and it's not because of a trust fund or rich uncle (I wish) it's because a desire to be weathly requires more knowledge than most people have on money.  People are so afraid to talk about money, learn new things, or admit they don't have a financial plan...I mean what the hell?  Does anyone else have the same opinion or any recommendations on some good books that offer insights on financial planning?  I've been through all the Dave Ramsey, Suzie Orzman, Robert T Kiyosaki, and a couple more but am always looking for new ones.  

I'm 26 and have paid off more than 35,000 in debt all we have left is a car loan and part of a credit card and we're DEBT  FREE BABY!!!  So I"m trying to figure out where to go from there, I"m on a military salary so things are tight.  I plan to max out my Roth and kids ESA once debt free but am also interested in different avenues of wealth building.  I know that I am good at sales (prior recruiter) so I"m thinking maybe some real estate investing might be the way to go, but am not totally literate on that yet.  Thoughts, comments, concerns????

Last Edited on: 5/21/08 3:05 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
Hwin avatar
Date Posted: 7/9/2008 6:21 PM ET
Member Since: 5/19/2008
Posts: 447
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Hmm, I am the same way.  I really enjoy finance books, even though we're doing great financially.  I like to read the following blogs, too.... (this is my favorite)


Hope you enjoy!