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Topic: Free online coupon site from the folks at

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RickMatt avatar
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Subject: Free online coupon site from the folks at
Date Posted: 1/13/2017 1:10 PM ET
Member Since: 1/26/2007
Posts: 44
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If you haven't heard about it already, I wanted you to be aware that has a coupon site called National Brands Coupons. You can download and print manufacturer's coupons that can help you save money on name brand products at your local store. This week there are $615 worth of coupons available for download.



frazzledspice avatar
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Date Posted: 3/3/2017 11:29 PM ET
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I worry about installing the coupon printers and getting spyware on my computer.  Has anyone tried this?

starvinArtist avatar
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Date Posted: 3/4/2017 1:29 AM ET
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My anti virus- Avast- suspicious malware message comes up when I try to print anything from

Jollyville avatar
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Date Posted: 7/9/2017 1:41 PM ET
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A couple words of caution.  PBS clearly states what they will do with your information, but then tells you that you may end up one of more 3rd party sites, of which you do not have the means to know their privacy policies.  Assuming PBS values your business more than extra money for themselves, you may decide that the coupons you get is worth the risk.   Something everybody should do is create an email address designed for the mail from people with whom you share you email address, that may send tons of junk mail and sell your address to others.  

By having a seperate email address, you can look at it from time to time to see if anything interests you.   You can also code the mail to check who is selling/sharing your email address by using different variations of you name.   For example,  Mary can become marry, mazy, masy, carry darry parry, etc.   If you make a note of how you spell your first name with a new site, you can then tell how they may share your information.  

I had a huge national charitiy that i registed my fiirst name as Bfsen.   In the past 5 years, I have received in my junk email account, and my mail box solicitations from at least 25+ different charities.  Needless to say I no longer give them a dime.  If you current email address is getting lots of junk stuff, create a new email account and move all of you important stuff to the new address,  Foot note.  Today I checked my junk email account, and there were 316 emails in it from the past 3 days.  I read none, and deleted all of them  with a simple delete all.   JMO