With a seemingly foolproof plot for revenge and profit, untamed survivors of the tumultuous sixties set off on a wild bombing spree. Elmore Leonard, as always, is a blast.
survivors of sixties bombing spree takes a wrong turn
Untamed survivors of the tumultuous sixties detemined to keep the revolution burning in their lives. With a seemingly foolproof plot for revenge and profit, they're off on a wild bombing spree. One that will take more than one explosively wrong turn-and more than one life.
Another great Elmore Leonard book. For what more could one ask? Just the greatest of our time.
pretty good crime fiction
This is Elmore Leonard doing what he does: tight dialogue, gritty fiction filled with real characters. If you like Leonard, you'll enjoy it.
What can I say about Elmore Leonard he is a great writer and this book proves it.
Funny - vintage Leonard, with a good plot and unusual characters.