Roses are red, violets are blue - they're only two of the flowers in this bright & informative amaryllis to zinnia alphabet book for young readers.
With Leslie Evans' gorgeous & inspiring artwork of the flowers & clues in Jerry Pallotta's text, we are seamlessly taught our letters & flowers. An example of the text is: "M is for Marigold. Believe it or not, chicken farmers feed Marigold to their chickens so that the chickens will have healthy looking yellow skin."
There is also included an Artist's Notes page on which we find details of the histories given to each plant; useful & curious trivia that completes this perfect bouquet of learning. Very well done - a delight to both my eyes & my mind!
With Leslie Evans' gorgeous & inspiring artwork of the flowers & clues in Jerry Pallotta's text, we are seamlessly taught our letters & flowers. An example of the text is: "M is for Marigold. Believe it or not, chicken farmers feed Marigold to their chickens so that the chickens will have healthy looking yellow skin."
There is also included an Artist's Notes page on which we find details of the histories given to each plant; useful & curious trivia that completes this perfect bouquet of learning. Very well done - a delight to both my eyes & my mind!