If you enjoy movie trivia, and checking out goofs, this one is for you. All sorts of movies are brought up, including Indiana Jones and The Wizard of Oz. Very entertaining.
very flubby flook
this is a must have for anyone that loves movies, it's fun to try and find some of the mistakes they talk about in this book.
This is a fun little book about mistakes in movies. John Wayne heads east into the sunset...Yul Brynner's earring comes and goes...Eddie Murphy's handcuffs mysteriously appear and disappear...Time stands still for Clark Gable...Scarlett O'Hara casts a strange shadow...A young Indiana Jones makes some bloody moves...Shoeless Joe loses his southpaw. Film Flubs is a collection of filmdom's most notorious on-screen mistakes, errors which delight movie fans, sharp-eyed film buffs and Hollywood trivia collectors.