Helpful Score: 1
I thought this was a very well written, well thought out and thorough book. The author starts out describing his early life and how he became and activist for farm animal rights and how he started Farm Sanctuary. He goes on to describe what happens in factory farms and how cruelly animals are treated/neglected for each type of animal...cows (beef and dairy), pigs, sheep, goats, chickens (broilers and egg layers), turkeys, geese and ducks (for the production of foie gras), etc. He includes stories about some of the animals rescued that came to live on Farm Sanctuary (a very heart-warming touch). He describes Farm Sanctuary's involvement in the Hurrican Katrina aftermath and their attempts to rescue some of the millions of chickens stranded and abandoned by the factory farm owners. He covers a lot of the laws that are in effect, the lack of enforcement and needed legislation to prevent future cruelty and abuse. In the end he makes a convincing argument for becoming a vegan, but even if you aren't a vegetarian, he urges you to pay more attention to where your food comes from and how it is produced. I really liked the book and learned so much from it.