Book two of the trilogy about a super volcano erupting in Yellowstone and basically wiping out the mid west and western states and affecting the rest of the country with drastic climate changes. I was hoping for some kind of subplot that involved vigilantes, roving gangs, isolated self governed communities or something/anything to put a little spice and excitement into the second book. Instead we get the trial and tribulations of having a baby out of wedlock and the father leaving the mother to deal with it own her own. We get "excitement " of changing jobs and having to relocate, we get the sometimes difficult times of adapting to an increasing colder winter in the northeast. So far the first two books have been a great disappointment, the author is better than this. There is so much opportunity to introduce conflicts in this scenario as a way to develop the characters, unfortunately Turtledove does not take advantage of these opportunities, at least so far; it may all change with the third book.