Facing Infertility A Catholic Approach Author:Jean Dimech-Juchniewicz More than 1 out of 10 couples experience infertility, finding themselves in a "desert"-lost and abandoned, hungering and thirsting, praying and waiting-for a child. — Navigating through the "desert" of infertility is an especially painful experience. It can lead to a sense of failure and a feeling of hopelessness. Couples may feel that they have ... more »nowhere to turn-especially Catholic couples who feel that there are not sufficient infertility resources to help them.
Author Jean Dimech-Juchniewicz understood this predicament perfectly. As a Catholic woman who personally struggled with infertility and who heard a woman's prayer group discussion on the lack of such resources, she was inspired to fill this void.
This spiritual companion offers the direction, nourishment, and faith to find the way out of the "desert." Blending Catholic teaching with the best that medical science has to offer, readers are provided with a path to healing in a sensitive and gradual manner. The morality or immorality of various infertility treatment options are explained in context of the Church's teachings. But this resource also extends into the emotional, psychological, medical, biological, cultural, and financial aspects to dealing with infertility, offering a comprehensive overview.
Each chapter contains a Scripture passage, a reflection from a Catholic woman who has been struggling with infertility, commentary, discussion questions, tips for friends and family, and a prayer from the Book of Psalms.« less