Haveing 3 hours between meetings and wanting some quiet time I stopped at a book store and picked up Ms. Beckham's book. I already knew she was a classy lady (one of the reasons why i chose her book) but I had never had a real conversation with her before. As I sat and read I felt like she and I were haveing a woman to woman chat about life in general, about how to pull off our own personal styles with class and little stress. How to choose the best of the best when you're shopping and can afford only one. I especially enjoyed the short stories she tells about her life before and after her fame. She lives an interesting life. There are many sketches of her designs and pictures of her life. This is truely a beautiful book. It took much longer to read than the three hours that I had and I was glad because I looked forward to reading more. There were lots of tips and info on style, makeup, hair and the do'and don'ts everyone needs to be updated on as we go through life as they change with our age.. I really enjoyed Ms. Beckham's book. She speaks with the same grace and class she presents herself with.