Steady story with a solid romantic connection between the main couple. As always, Balogh sure has a way with writing strong characters, ones you can sink your teeth into. I am having a great time watching the members of the Survivors Club find love despite their war injuries. My only beef with Agnus and Flavian's romance was with the lack of truly heated love scenes. Mostly, those were glossed over, which was rather disappointing because usually those are the crowning cherries to any love scene. Flavian and Agnus each had very interesting back stories that had me eager for the outcomes. 3.5 stars.

Mary Balogh sure hasn't lost her knack of producing great stories with memorable characters that we care about. So far The Survivor's Club has been a great series. It's not fast paced, but it's a lovely read, with a lot of insights into human nature.
This series will be most enjoyed by reading the novels in order. There are 6 men and one woman who were wounded in the Napoleonic Wars and who recovered together over three years at Penderris Hall, in Cornwall.
Flavian, Viscount Ponsonby, was devastated by his fiancee's abandonment of him after his severe injuries in the war. She married his best friend, but he has died now. Flavian has recovered beyond the doctor's wildest expectation. Now, his old fiancee' is free to marry him and both families are waiting for the happy event. However, Flavian has other ideas and marries a young widow he has met. When Agnes finds out that Flavian married her to avenge the hurts of his former fiancee', Agnes wants to flee the marriage.
The early part of the book was very slow going until Agnes meets Flavian's family and former fiancee'.
Survivor's Club
1. The Proposal (2012)
2. The Arrangement (2013)
3. The Escape (2014)
4. Only Enchanting (2014)
Flavian, Viscount Ponsonby, was devastated by his fiancee's abandonment of him after his severe injuries in the war. She married his best friend, but he has died now. Flavian has recovered beyond the doctor's wildest expectation. Now, his old fiancee' is free to marry him and both families are waiting for the happy event. However, Flavian has other ideas and marries a young widow he has met. When Agnes finds out that Flavian married her to avenge the hurts of his former fiancee', Agnes wants to flee the marriage.
The early part of the book was very slow going until Agnes meets Flavian's family and former fiancee'.
Survivor's Club
1. The Proposal (2012)
2. The Arrangement (2013)
3. The Escape (2014)
4. Only Enchanting (2014)