The Elfquest story continues...The Wolfrider's have reached Sorrow's End, but some members of the tribe long for their forest home and escape from the desert. Cutter and Skywise set out on a journey to find a new forest home and search for other elves...and run into some old acquantinces and new challenges...This is the second book in the new printing format and it covers the begining of the true "quest" in Elfquest. A great read, but you should be familiar with the previous book or your enjoyment will be lessened since it doesn't stand alone as well.
from the back of the book:
The WOLFRIDERS and the SUN FOLK have become a single tribe and peace settles over Sorrows End - until the arrival of humans, even in this remote oasis. Cutter realizes that his race can never be safe until all the elf tribes are found and untied. With his trusted friend Skywise he sets out on his new quest, only to discover old secrets and new peril in the land beyond the ruined Holt.
The WOLFRIDERS and the SUN FOLK have become a single tribe and peace settles over Sorrows End - until the arrival of humans, even in this remote oasis. Cutter realizes that his race can never be safe until all the elf tribes are found and untied. With his trusted friend Skywise he sets out on his new quest, only to discover old secrets and new peril in the land beyond the ruined Holt.