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Topic: dictionaries, atlas and thesaurus

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Subject: dictionaries, atlas and thesaurus
Date Posted: 10/21/2018 9:43 PM ET
Member Since: 10/25/2005
Posts: 2,328
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I have the following dictionaries, atlas and thesaurus. I have starred the ones that the ISbn in not in the system. If you want more than one copy the number of copies that I have is listed.

Scholastic Pocket World Atlas (1 copy)

Thorndike Barnhart Children's Dictionary (1 copy)

Young Students Learning Library Dictionary (2 copies)

Webster's New World Dictionary for Young Readers(1 copy)

Everyday American English Dictionary (1 copy)

The Harcourt Brace Student Thesaurus(2 copies)

Writer's Thesaurus/Grade Level 5 (7 copies)

Beginning Writer's Thesaurus/Grade Level 3 (8 copies)

Houghton Mifflin Intermediate Dictionary( 5 copies)

*Roget’s Thesaurus (1 copy)

*Webster’s Thesaurus of the English Language (8 Copies)

*Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language (12 copies)