If youre familiar with southern living this book is as thick with humor as their sweet tea is with sugar. The story may have contained every southern colloquialism you can imagine but maybe not, because something has to be left for the next books in the series. The romance was funny with the alpha male being way over the top but the heroine dealt with it in a fun way. As you read the book you may get a sense of deja vue if youve read Kate Douglas Demonslayer series but this story still stands on its own in a distinct way. For me it was kind of slow but I still felt the need to finish it and Im glad I did. I look forward to the next story which covers the romance of the two friends of the main characters in this book but mainly I look forward to reading more of the southern drama.

Fun and funny read! Never heard of this author or read her work before, but the cover & title caught my eye so I sat in Books-A-Million and started reading. It was so good I bought it and took it home to finish it. It was eye-bogglingly funny. It's totally on point with all the little southern expressions and mannerisms and idiosyncracies. Totally. The scene in the funeral parlour is what made my eyes boggle. Very funny stuff. Raunchy good fun. The story is kind of light on plot, but it definitely makes up for it with the interactions between all the people. Don't start the book thinking you'll get a strong paranormal story. But its definitely worth your money and time due to the great verbal and inner dialogue throughout the book.

I totally enjoyed this book. It definitely fell into the insta-love category though so if that bugs you, avoid this one.
It was a humorous PnR full of southern stereotypes (just because its a stereotype, doesnt mean it isnt accurate). Everything involving Dwight Farris funeral, and his loved ones, made me chuckle inappropriately.
Hannah ALA is quite the supernatural hot spot and two immortal warriors have come to town to investigate, and defeat the EVIL. (Muah ha ha) I loved Adara, her family and friends (and most of the town, for that matter) Even her animal companions were likable.
It was a humorous PnR full of southern stereotypes (just because its a stereotype, doesnt mean it isnt accurate). Everything involving Dwight Farris funeral, and his loved ones, made me chuckle inappropriately.
Hannah ALA is quite the supernatural hot spot and two immortal warriors have come to town to investigate, and defeat the EVIL. (Muah ha ha) I loved Adara, her family and friends (and most of the town, for that matter) Even her animal companions were likable.
Deep breath. There was a moment that really pissed me off. Let's get that out of the way first. If I wasn't reading this for Bingo, it probably would have been DNF'd.
Brand and Addy (Adara) are the main characters. So, of course, Brand is a walking wet dream. I guess that gives him the excuse to behave in less than desirable ways. Okay, so the first kiss happens very fast, especially (or because of) "The Dalvahni do not experience emotion." The he leaves after an interruption. Comes back when Addy is in the shower, goes to bed, and proceeds to watch her sleep. Watching her shower and sleep is such a turn-on that he proceeds to touch her while she is sleeping. Addy, or course, responds to said touching and gradually wakes up. They get interrupted again. Her first response is not (I repeat not) what the f*ck are you doing?! No her first reaction is this, "God she was such a skank, a hoochie mama, a slut of biblical proportions." Instead of getting pissed at Brand, she disses herself. Argh!
Luckily it did get better, but this did stick with me and the rating does reflect the above.
I wish Addy had stood up to Brand more. Way too popular phrases in this book: "This I will not allow." and "You will...." (add what you want here). Addy's mom Bitsy is too overbearing even if she grows on you as the book progresses. On one of the first meetings with her in the book, Addy thought this: "She felt her liver curl and her lungs shrivel to husks under the heat of that maternal stare."
Okay, now the good/funny:
Dooley the talking dog, Brand and Ansgar not getting the slang and pop culture of modern day AL, the widow cutting off her dead husband's penis (he was cheating), the boys getting drunk on chocolate, Ansgar's nickname "Prince Flaxen Fart," and Meredith getting her comeuppance.
There are 2 other books in this series. Won't be reading them.
Brand and Addy (Adara) are the main characters. So, of course, Brand is a walking wet dream. I guess that gives him the excuse to behave in less than desirable ways. Okay, so the first kiss happens very fast, especially (or because of) "The Dalvahni do not experience emotion." The he leaves after an interruption. Comes back when Addy is in the shower, goes to bed, and proceeds to watch her sleep. Watching her shower and sleep is such a turn-on that he proceeds to touch her while she is sleeping. Addy, or course, responds to said touching and gradually wakes up. They get interrupted again. Her first response is not (I repeat not) what the f*ck are you doing?! No her first reaction is this, "God she was such a skank, a hoochie mama, a slut of biblical proportions." Instead of getting pissed at Brand, she disses herself. Argh!
Luckily it did get better, but this did stick with me and the rating does reflect the above.
I wish Addy had stood up to Brand more. Way too popular phrases in this book: "This I will not allow." and "You will...." (add what you want here). Addy's mom Bitsy is too overbearing even if she grows on you as the book progresses. On one of the first meetings with her in the book, Addy thought this: "She felt her liver curl and her lungs shrivel to husks under the heat of that maternal stare."
Okay, now the good/funny:
Dooley the talking dog, Brand and Ansgar not getting the slang and pop culture of modern day AL, the widow cutting off her dead husband's penis (he was cheating), the boys getting drunk on chocolate, Ansgar's nickname "Prince Flaxen Fart," and Meredith getting her comeuppance.
There are 2 other books in this series. Won't be reading them.

This book was definitely something different... Not exactly as much of a story about demon hunting as it is a romance with some paranormal elements.
There are several laugh-out-loud moments. There are also enough over-the-top southern sayings thrown in there to make even the "small-town" book lovers cringe. Some parts were just unbelievably silly, and others were smokin' hot.
A strange mix of genres, to be sure. The author was kind of all over the place with it. A cute read, overall, but don't try to take it too seriously!
There are several laugh-out-loud moments. There are also enough over-the-top southern sayings thrown in there to make even the "small-town" book lovers cringe. Some parts were just unbelievably silly, and others were smokin' hot.
A strange mix of genres, to be sure. The author was kind of all over the place with it. A cute read, overall, but don't try to take it too seriously!