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Topic: December 2022 - What are you reading?

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ssgilby avatar
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Subject: December 2022 - What are you reading?
Date Posted: 12/2/2022 6:10 PM ET
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Hello!  Welcome to the last month of the year!

Currently I am not listening to anything.  It's that time of year where all the knitting and crafting podcasts I watch are doing "vlogmas" (which is daily uploading of videos everyday from December 1-25), so those keep me busy. 

I had to bail on The Name of the Rose.  The mystery part of it was intriguing, and I like the writing style and dialogue between the two main characters BUT there is SO MUCH discussion of philosphy, religious dogma, etc. that just required such effort to read - and honestly, I didn't really care.  I typically only read for 30-60 minutes before I go to sleep, and I am way too tired at that time of night to read such intellectual stuff.  I found that night after night I was just not reaching for the book but instead preferred to stare at my phone, and that was a big clue that the book was not what I need right now.  So, I am going to start something new and less taxing on the brain this evening.  

What's everyone else reading this month? 

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Date Posted: 12/2/2022 10:22 PM ET
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Returning to the Outlander series with Dragonfly in Amber (Outlander, Bk 2) by Diana Gabaldon  Darn.  Once again I cannot get into this series.  Looking for a new read.

Last Edited on: 12/4/22 9:19 AM ET - Total times edited: 2
ssgilby avatar
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Date Posted: 12/3/2022 3:21 PM ET
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Ah, the Outlander series.  Loved it so much, although I think I stopped after like book 4.  Have you watched the TV series?  I'm currently working my way through the most-recent season to hit Netflix, although I've been de-railed by binging the newest season of "The Crown."  So good.

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Date Posted: 12/4/2022 9:34 AM ET
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No, I have not watched the series.  I did enjoy Book 1 in the series.  Just finished Winter Sisters by Robin Oliveira which is so very good, followup to My Name Is Mary Sutter  Pick up a copy if you can find it.  Wonderful read.

Last Edited on: 12/18/22 8:41 AM ET - Total times edited: 4
ssgilby avatar
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Date Posted: 12/12/2022 3:12 PM ET
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Hello!  Hope everyone is well.  After bailing on The Name of the Rose, I tried a few things.  Finally landed on Circe by Madeline Miller, which isn't historical fiction although it is likely set in the past.  It's based on Greek mythology.  I'm about halfway through.  It's okay.  I haven't been listening to anything.  All my favorite knitting/crafting podcasters are doing Vlogmas on YouTube, so I have those to watch everyday.  

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Date Posted: 12/13/2022 9:41 AM ET
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I finished 1776 by David McCullough and started Sam Hueghan's memoir "Waypoints".  It just reiterates my need to go back to Scotland heart

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Date Posted: 12/20/2022 1:48 PM ET
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I started Jane Steele by Lyndsay Faye.  It's been sitting on my shelf for ages!

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Date Posted: 12/21/2022 8:57 AM ET
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Hello!  Nothing new to report, still reading Circe, but I thought I'd check in to see what you guys were doing, and to wish everyone who celebrates a Merry Christmas!  

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Date Posted: 12/21/2022 10:32 AM ET
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Merry Christmas! 

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Date Posted: 12/28/2022 8:30 AM ET
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I started New York by Edward Rutherfurd.  I have a bunch of his books still waiting to be read.  But he does like to write some hefty tomes! LOL

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Date Posted: 12/28/2022 1:07 PM ET
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I hope everyone had a happy holiday!  I'm still reading Circe.  Haven't read at all in the past week, so I need to get back to it and wrap it up by the end of the year.  Going to start making a list of possible books to read in 2023 for the HF Challenge. 

Carolyn - I am Rutherfurd's biggest fan, and I've read all but one of his books (which is on Mt. TBR), but I will say that two of his books disappointed me a little.  One being Russka and the other being New York.  Not that either was a bad book, I just didn't seem to enjoy them as much as I did his others.  My favorites are London and Paris

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Date Posted: 12/29/2022 7:39 AM ET
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Good Morning,

I am reading an oldie by good.

The Queen and Lord M by Jean Plaidy. It was published in 1973. Almost 50 years old.

Her books are good, simple to read. Not as elegant as Elizabeth Chadwich or Sharon K Penman, but are good reads.

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Date Posted: 12/29/2022 10:33 AM ET
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Shelley, I loved London, but was a little dissappointed with Paris.  Those were the only 2 books of his I have read so far.  I have Russka, The Princes of Ireland, The Rebels of Ireland, The Forest, Sarum, and China still on my shelf. I plan on reading more of his books this year to fill in for some reading challenges,  Since I live in NYC I'm hoping New York is worth it. :)

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Date Posted: 1/3/2023 9:54 AM ET
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Carolyn - I listened to Paris on Audible, and that may be one of the reasons I loved it so much.  I cannot resist a French accent nor some actual French sprinkled into a story.  LOL!  I've listened to it twice.  Rare for me as I never re-read books.  Looking forward to your thoughts on New York.  I didn't dislike it; I just liked it less than some of his other books.  I just started The Rebels of Ireland, which is the only one of his books I haven't read.