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Topic: **** DECEMBER WISHES (things you're hoping for) ****

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Subject: **** DECEMBER WISHES (things you're hoping for) ****
Date Posted: 11/30/2024 6:52 PM ET
Member Since: 9/27/2008
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REMINDER:  The RAOK forum is open to the public, not just to PBS members.  To protect your privacy, the 3 monthly recurring threads are intended to be limited to just what their titles say - Wishes, RAOK offers, and Thanks for wishes granted.  In other words, the posts in these 3 threads should be originating messages only.  Responses to, or chat about, those posts should be by private PMs.  Chatting is welcome in the Share and Care forum, which is limited to PBS members, and where card showers and prayer chains are available for anyone who asks for support.  To protect your privacy, please do not post your addresses in these threads - we recommend that you ask people to PM for your address.  Thanks!

Welcome to the Wishes thread, where we post our wishes - maybe things we collect, something we can no longer find in our area, things we have always wanted, etc, etc. No wish is too unusual (though common sense is appreciated!); you never know what will turn up.

We must all abide by these PBS rules :
You may not wish for money or money-like items such as gift cards, or for monetary donations for any charities.  You may ask for things you collect for charities, such as cancelled stamps, pop can tabs, etc., but you may not solicit funding. This includes donations for GoFundMe and other fund-raising events.
No buying or selling or advertising. No spam posts.
No wishing for credits.  Credits are bought, sold and loaned only in the Book Bazaar forum, or you may use the PBS Kiosk to purchase them.
Do NOT ask for books, since books are swapped on the site and book deals are made in the Book Bazaar. Sorry, but you may not ask for free books of any kind. (Unpostable books are given away in the damaged book thread of the Bazaar and sometimes in the RAOK thread. 

Our own RAOK rules: 
Please do not offer payment for the things you are sent, including postage. RAOKs are given freely, asking nothing in return except a thank you. You could pay it forward by granting a wish yourself.
Please limit your wishes to no more than 10. Lists could get very long. You can always edit as you go along.
Unlike many other forums, we ask that you do NOT reply within the threads. We do everything by PMs between members. This keeps the threads clutter-free and easy to use. When you come to this ***Wishes*** thread, you see wishes. In the ***RAOK*** thread, it's all about things we are giving away - simple and easy. And to protect your privacy, please do not post your address in the thread - it's all done via PM.
Please check in and answer your PMs. It's frustrating when people want to grant your wishes and don't hear from you!
PLEASE say THANK YOU to the person who grants your wish.  You may use our monthly ***Thank You*** thread, or you may acknowledge what you have received via a personal PM to the member(s) who granted your wishes. This is very important if you wish to continue to receive things from others.

Check the RAOK thread before you post wishes -- the thing you want may already be there for the asking!  If you see a wish you can grant, just PM the poster for their address.
And please remember, if one of the moderators contacts you about a posting, then we are only trying to keep the forum running smoothly and according to PBS rules. If you are asked to change, move, or delete your post, please do so. Most of you know that the PBS team does get involved to edit posts, and accounts do get suspended, if rules are broken. We hate to see that happen to our fellow RAOKers!

If you have questions, feel free to contact me.  I wish that your wish(es) will be granted!

Last Edited on: 12/2/24 12:12 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 11/30/2024 6:57 PM ET
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Happy December All early) ! Hope it's a good month for everyone.

This month I really, really need the following:

Non-glittery pretty stickers, seasonal, themed, butterflies, etc. No real childish or school themed ones. Also if at all possible, clear backed. Those stick the best. Someone sent me a bunch of sparkly leafy ones that were clear backed and I loved them. Those were sparkly but not with glitter that gets all over everything. I am totally out of stickers so really could use the help.

Also if possible, I could use some of those "to go" drink mixes you add to bottled water. Prefer peach or lemon tea. No other flavors.

Thanks to all that can grant my wishes.

Last Edited on: 12/5/24 5:50 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
conniej76 avatar
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Date Posted: 11/30/2024 7:22 PM ET
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My wishes are:

1.Anything Coca Cola-will take advertisements, coupons,stickers or recipes as well

2. Anything to do with Yellowstone(the tv show)

3. Anything Marvel or Minecraft for my 6 yr old nephew

4. Anything Bluey or Go Dog Go! for my 1 1/2 yr old niece

5. Anything Wonder Woman

6. Coupons you have extra of even fast food or computer coupons

Thanks for reading. Post your unique or odd wishes and I might be able to help you out. :)

libbylee1 avatar
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Date Posted: 11/30/2024 10:37 PM ET
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Looking for cute little erasers for kids in school.  I bought some Christmas themed ones at the dollar store, but if anyone has any other types, that would be great.  Like cars, cupcakes, bugs, butterflies, whatever you have that would be good for kids.  The pink ones that we put on the end of the pencils keep snapping and we have to keep throwing them out.   Wish has been granted. Thank you.
Additionally, I want everyone to spend some time in December taking care of themselves. December is such a stressful month and for some it can be depressing.  Remember to take some time to prioritize yourself. 

Last Edited on: 12/8/24 9:01 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
vickyt avatar
Vicky (vickyt) - ,
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Date Posted: 12/1/2024 12:05 AM ET
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I am hoping that the small gestures that are given on this site give each of you a smile and a warm feeling that even though we might not know each other personally, we do know each other in spirit.  I wish for a blessed season for each of you.

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Date Posted: 12/1/2024 1:04 PM ET
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December is my BIRTHDAY month.  I would love to get a card or surprises.  PM me for my address.  Thank You!

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 12/1/2024 4:03 PM ET
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wrong place


Last Edited on: 12/2/24 9:03 AM ET - Total times edited: 2
Lambie avatar
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Date Posted: 12/1/2024 8:22 PM ET
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I've got a couple of long shots to request.  I'm looking for 2 junk toys.  One is the poppers that look like half balls.  You turn them inside out, put them on a flat surface and they pop up in the air

The other is the paratrooper toys, the plastic army man that has a parachute tied to it.  You throw it up in the air or drop it off a high spot and it floats down.  

Perhaps someone has some leftover from making goody bags? 

Last Edited on: 12/1/24 8:30 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 12/2/2024 12:15 AM ET
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Please remember that this thread is open to the entire Internet, and participant's full names, addresses, birthdates and other personal/private info should not be posted by anyone except the person whose info it is.  If anyone wants such info from someone, kindly PM to ask them.  Thanks!

WingsPawsNMagick avatar
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Date Posted: 12/3/2024 1:54 PM ET
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Prayers for my mama as she is in her final transitioning stage. I'm a hot mess. She needs to rest after a long year of being sick.  Thank you . 

** update**

mom has gone to be with God ; Dec 5,2024 at 12:51am .. holding my hand as I was singing to her. She went peacefully ... no loud gurgling gasps. 

Last Edited on: 12/6/24 10:56 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 12/5/2024 8:20 AM ET
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Added one more wish to my requests above.

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Vicky (vickyt) - ,
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Date Posted: 12/5/2024 2:06 PM ET
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Prayers for my dad.

 He is in the hospital and they are talking about taking his driving license because of his medical issues.  Since he still runs a business and his stubborn streak, this will cause havoc.


UPDATE:  I just got back from my mom and dads house.  Dad is home and they want him to go to another hospital for testing but he isn't having it.  He actually has been to 4 hospitals now and they all agree that something is wrong but no one can figure it out.  He has had more test than I have ever had all put together.  He seems strong enough at the moment and is still working, by choice not necessity, so we can just pray that he keeps on keeping on.  Thank you for all who said a prayer or sent a message.

Last Edited on: 12/14/24 10:44 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 12/7/2024 11:18 PM ET
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Prayers of peace this extra Holy month to all. 

I would appreciate continuing extra prayers of health and recovery for both my beloved dad and myself. 

Anyone going to Wal-Mart? I enjoy Jell-O Instant Chocolate Fudge Pudding in the 3.9oz BROWN and white box only. This product is becoming increasingly harder to find. I do not want the purple and white box version of this product. I would really appreciate you looking. Thank some of you again for getting this item for me in the past. 

I could also use some blank birthday cards to send to friends. Glitter free cards only please. 

Please tell someone extra this month who you love and care about that you do. Allow them the blessing of doing likewise. Thank you all for continuing to make such a kind difference through our RAOK forum. God Bless You. 

Last Edited on: 12/7/24 11:22 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
BostonBooks avatar
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Date Posted: 12/11/2024 4:13 PM ET
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December wishes. 

2 small clear mables, Nutcrackers figurines, Photo albums big kind, Cirkul cartridges or coupons, 2 red xmas light bulbs 2.75in, Dress cinch clip, Fun shape glasses for boy and girl, Paper plate, Bowls, Utensile, Money and Monstera plant clippings.

Last Edited on: 12/11/24 4:14 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
justcyn avatar
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Date Posted: 12/14/2024 1:53 PM ET
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Asking for prayers for my alcoholic husband that recently went back to AA but as of today got distracted. 

BostonBooks avatar
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Date Posted: 12/18/2024 2:52 PM ET
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Dr Nowzaradan Diet Plan 1200 calorie plan. 

Can be emailed to me. Thank you