Once again, Debbie Sue and Edwina, The Domestic Equalizers, are on the case. It's Elvis Presley's birthday, and since he once dined at Salt Lick, TX institution, Hogg's Drive-In, they are doing it up right! There will be a parade, dance, games, costumes and impersonators - PLUS Elvis's iconic Blue Suede Shoes on loan from a Vegas museum! Until some low-life steals the shoes the night before the celebration is to begin, and the Equalizers are called in to solve the case. That means keeping news of the theft away from snoopy reporters from the Dallas and Ft Worth newspapers, too. Cue the hilarity as mishap after mis-step follows the girls through their investigation This was a cute little sstory, full of fun. More chick-lit/romance than mystery, but a quick and undemanding read.