In this, Eriksson's second book to be translated into English, we once again meet up with Ann Lindell and her team from the Uppsala police department's Violent Crimes division. This time, the team is called in to investigate the seemingly motiveless deaths of three elderly men, all very quiet, all living alone. The police, in the search for anything which might lead them to a killer, try to fathom why these men were killed and what tied their lives together. Lindell gets the idea that perhaps she should make the examination broader, and begins comes up with a man who turned up missing around the same area some time back. It seems that a Laura Hindersten had turned in a missing person report when her father, a professor with a love of Petrarch, went missing. Laura's story interweaves with that of the police investigation, and the combination of the two lead to an incredible read.
I love the way Eriksson writes and I love the slow and methodical pacing of this novel, even though many readers complained that it was too slow for their liking. I liked the characters and I liked the dual plotline. What I didn't like was that the author allowed his main character, Lindell, to make a really stupid mistake that I don't think was in keeping with the police side of her character, in order to build to a bit of a hair-raising climax. This error, especially for a writer of Eriksson's caliber, would normally be (for me) an unforgiveable lapse, but the rest of it was so good that I could overlook it, once I got past my initial annoyance. I can definitely recommend Cruel Stars of the Night to those who enjoy a really good police procedural, and to those who also enjoy psychological suspense. It's also a bit more gritty than the lighthearted books cozy readers tend to enjoy, so I probably wouldn't recommend it for that crowd. This author is also definitely a must for those who are exploring the realm of Scandinavian crime fiction.
I love the way Eriksson writes and I love the slow and methodical pacing of this novel, even though many readers complained that it was too slow for their liking. I liked the characters and I liked the dual plotline. What I didn't like was that the author allowed his main character, Lindell, to make a really stupid mistake that I don't think was in keeping with the police side of her character, in order to build to a bit of a hair-raising climax. This error, especially for a writer of Eriksson's caliber, would normally be (for me) an unforgiveable lapse, but the rest of it was so good that I could overlook it, once I got past my initial annoyance. I can definitely recommend Cruel Stars of the Night to those who enjoy a really good police procedural, and to those who also enjoy psychological suspense. It's also a bit more gritty than the lighthearted books cozy readers tend to enjoy, so I probably wouldn't recommend it for that crowd. This author is also definitely a must for those who are exploring the realm of Scandinavian crime fiction.

Awful, directionless book. Doubly disappointing because his first book was so great.