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Critical thinking and Logical reasoning - Workbook 5
Critical thinking and Logical reasoning Workbook 5 Author:Ranga Raghuram GIFT OF LOGIC TM :Critical Thinking & Logical Reasoning Series is a set of twelve books (11 workbooks and 1 Primer) written with the goal of establishing a basic standard in thinking and reasoning for readers of all ages. These workbooks will help the readers develop cognitive skills in three areas - Verbal, Analyt... more »ical and Pictorial. Verbal reasoning helps you to think, read, write and speak clearly and convincingly. Analytical reasoning helps you to be resourceful and strategic. Pictorial reasoning helps you to be visually perceptive and alert. Each workbook has three sections, Verbal, Analytical and Pictorial. Several topics in these three areas are gradually introduced in these books to help you develop cognitive skills. Some topics are repeated across books in order to provide sufficient drill in that topic. Critical Thinking & Logical Reasoning Series :Benefit Summary:School Students: Boost your scores in high school entrance exams, Gifted and Talented exams, CogAT, IQ, SAT, ACT etc. By gaining proficiency in Critical thinking & Logical reasoning skills gained from these books, you will be able to increase your confidence level by a notch and perform well in any type of exam. College/University Students: Develop raw intelligence and improve your performance in your chosen major. Fire yourself up to be verbally clear, analytically resourceful and visually alert. Gain advantage by automatically preparing for tests such as LSAT (Law), MCAT (Medical), PCAT (Pharmacy), GRE (Engineering), GMAT(Management) etc. Working professionals: Shape your reading, writing, speaking and thinking abilities with the help of these books. Enhance your on-the-job performance. Boost your confidence in job interviews. Housewives/Retired: Maintaining your thinking and reasoning abilities as you get older. Use the exercises in these books as a standard to test yourself against. Communicate clearly, be resourceful and maintain visual alertness. Please visit for more information on this series. Workbook-5 covers the following topics: The Verbal Reasoning section introduces variations of conditional statements such as the "Only-if" conditional statements, "If and Only If" biconditional statements, and Categorical statements involving All, Some and None. Exercises to identify "cause and effect" in causal statements and inferencing problems involving categorical and causal statements are also presented. Representing these statements using symbols and inferencing using symbols are also covered. Other excercises to reinforce your reasoning skills include word and sentence analogies and agree/disagree exercises. The Analytic Reasoning section trains your brain by means of problems involving List Processing, Sequencing, Venn Diagrams, Grouping, Graph Logic, Number Logic, Letter Logic, Correlation and 9*9 Sudokus. The Pictorial Reasoning section reinforces your perception skills using exercises such as Picture Sequence, Odd Picture , Picture Analogy, Pictre Difference, Pattern Matching. Answers are provided at the end of each book. Recommended for: Ages 10 and Up. Further reading: After reading this book, proceed to do the exercises in Workbook-6.« less