Helpful Score: 7
I'm about halfway through this book, so I may update the review later. I just wanted to stick in my 2 cents early.
I was first introduced to the idea of pre-birth planning through one of Sylvia Browne's books and at that time it struck me as a very interesting and, dare I say, familiar idea. I came across a description of this book while searching for something else on amazon.com and immediately put it on my PBS wishlist. A few days ago I received my copy, direct from the author no less (though unsigned *pout*)! My nose has been stuck in it's pages since then.
Mr. Schwartz does not try to push the idea of pre-birth planning on you, he does not insist "this is how it is". He instead asks you to read what he has written with an open mind, and to read the book "with your heart". The book reads as if you are having a friendly and personal conversation with the author and the people gracious enough to supply him with their stories.
We all search for meaning in the events that happen to us, in the struggles and ailments we must endure. To entertain the idea of pre-birth planning, you must assume responsibility for the events instead of questioning/blaming/thanking a "higher power". This is a very foreign idea to most. I am enjoying this book so far because it feels like home to me, as if I'm just now understanding something that I've actually known for years. My copy of this book is going to make the rounds within my circle of family and friends, believe me. I strongly recommend it to people who would appreciate a new way of looking at life.
I was first introduced to the idea of pre-birth planning through one of Sylvia Browne's books and at that time it struck me as a very interesting and, dare I say, familiar idea. I came across a description of this book while searching for something else on amazon.com and immediately put it on my PBS wishlist. A few days ago I received my copy, direct from the author no less (though unsigned *pout*)! My nose has been stuck in it's pages since then.
Mr. Schwartz does not try to push the idea of pre-birth planning on you, he does not insist "this is how it is". He instead asks you to read what he has written with an open mind, and to read the book "with your heart". The book reads as if you are having a friendly and personal conversation with the author and the people gracious enough to supply him with their stories.
We all search for meaning in the events that happen to us, in the struggles and ailments we must endure. To entertain the idea of pre-birth planning, you must assume responsibility for the events instead of questioning/blaming/thanking a "higher power". This is a very foreign idea to most. I am enjoying this book so far because it feels like home to me, as if I'm just now understanding something that I've actually known for years. My copy of this book is going to make the rounds within my circle of family and friends, believe me. I strongly recommend it to people who would appreciate a new way of looking at life.

Helpful Score: 4
****Disclaimer: this review was posted by the author of this book.****
Review taken from:
New Age Retailer magazine
June 2007 issue
Author: Anna Jedrziewski
Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?
Robert Schwartz
327 pages, 5.5" x 8", Whispering Winds Press, 800/742-0146, www.courageoussouls.com
The serene cover of Courageous Souls belies the punch with which Robert Schwartz communicates the results of his research into pre-birth planning. Working with four experienced channelers, he asked 10 people, each facing different challenges (AIDS, blindness, addiction, or death of a loved one), to delve into the reasons why they agreed, before birth, to put themselves in such difficult situations. Each entry begins with an interview in which the person's story is told from his or her point-of-view. Information via a medium is used to provide insight and sometimes actual pre-birth conversations about the goals or life lessons desired, contributing past-life factors, and the people who contracted to play major roles in the person's present incarnation. Moving us away from the idea of karma as punishment, Schwartz introduces the idea of learning through contrast, for instance, a soul wishing to fully experience her or his compassionate side might choose to be born into a family that lacks compassion.
In addition to the considerable wisdom provided from the spirit side, Schwartz writes a summary at the end of each chapter in which he adds some of his own insight garnered during years of metaphysical study. Overall, it is one of the best books of this kind I have come across.
Courageous Souls will trigger interest in both past lives and spirit-guide contact. Display alongside books by best-selling authors such as Brian Weiss, M.D., and Doreen Virtue Ph.D., or with Ruth Montgomery's works, A Search for the Truth, A World Beyond, and Companions Along the Way.
Anna Jedrziewski, Spirit Connection New York, New York, N.Y.
Review taken from:
New Age Retailer magazine
June 2007 issue
Author: Anna Jedrziewski
Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?
Robert Schwartz
327 pages, 5.5" x 8", Whispering Winds Press, 800/742-0146, www.courageoussouls.com
The serene cover of Courageous Souls belies the punch with which Robert Schwartz communicates the results of his research into pre-birth planning. Working with four experienced channelers, he asked 10 people, each facing different challenges (AIDS, blindness, addiction, or death of a loved one), to delve into the reasons why they agreed, before birth, to put themselves in such difficult situations. Each entry begins with an interview in which the person's story is told from his or her point-of-view. Information via a medium is used to provide insight and sometimes actual pre-birth conversations about the goals or life lessons desired, contributing past-life factors, and the people who contracted to play major roles in the person's present incarnation. Moving us away from the idea of karma as punishment, Schwartz introduces the idea of learning through contrast, for instance, a soul wishing to fully experience her or his compassionate side might choose to be born into a family that lacks compassion.
In addition to the considerable wisdom provided from the spirit side, Schwartz writes a summary at the end of each chapter in which he adds some of his own insight garnered during years of metaphysical study. Overall, it is one of the best books of this kind I have come across.
Courageous Souls will trigger interest in both past lives and spirit-guide contact. Display alongside books by best-selling authors such as Brian Weiss, M.D., and Doreen Virtue Ph.D., or with Ruth Montgomery's works, A Search for the Truth, A World Beyond, and Companions Along the Way.
Anna Jedrziewski, Spirit Connection New York, New York, N.Y.
Helpful Score: 1
"Courageous Souls" may be placed alongside Brian Weiss' books in a bookstore or on a website, but it is in no way on the same level as Weiss' books, neither in content nor in readability. And stand forwarned--if you are not a big fan of amorality, this book may deeply anger you. I personally would recommend it to only two groups of readers: 1) Men who hate women. 2) Women who hate themselves, and are always sacrificing themselves, and blaming themselves for everything bad that happens.
The courageous men in this book tended to be addicted or afflicted, whereas the courageous women obviously had to suffer and sacrifice a lot more to be considered courageous. But that's not the worst of it; the worst comes in the author's star story about a woman who was an unintentional target of a mail bomb. Her injuries were horrific, and yet she recovered from the bombing, and went on to terrifically transform her life. She also stated that she "forgave" the bomber. The author then takes this story, which one assumes is actually true, and shows how there was actually nothing to "forgive". Using one of his mediums, whom he claims has the ability to retell a pre-birth planning session basically word for word, he relates a pre-birth meeting between the woman and the bomber. In this meeting, the woman is like a mommy figure trying to coax the bomber to talk to her about planning the bombing. The bomber is like a shy, quiet, misunderstood for all of eternity, little boy. He tells her he doesn't want to hurt her, he doesn't want to hurt anybody. But she convinces him that hurting her will help them both grow spiritually, and it will be an act of love, not hatred. In other words, the woman WANTED it, she ASKED for it. A woman hater's fantasy come true!
Of course, if violence against women is being justified by pre-birth planning, then violence against children is, too. Are we suppose to believe that children who get molested by perverts, for example, chose to be molested before they incarnated? And that their molestors did so out of love? If the author is suggesting this, then he should be handing out this book for free in maximum security prisons. Maybe it would offer some hope to delusional criminals!
The courageous men in this book tended to be addicted or afflicted, whereas the courageous women obviously had to suffer and sacrifice a lot more to be considered courageous. But that's not the worst of it; the worst comes in the author's star story about a woman who was an unintentional target of a mail bomb. Her injuries were horrific, and yet she recovered from the bombing, and went on to terrifically transform her life. She also stated that she "forgave" the bomber. The author then takes this story, which one assumes is actually true, and shows how there was actually nothing to "forgive". Using one of his mediums, whom he claims has the ability to retell a pre-birth planning session basically word for word, he relates a pre-birth meeting between the woman and the bomber. In this meeting, the woman is like a mommy figure trying to coax the bomber to talk to her about planning the bombing. The bomber is like a shy, quiet, misunderstood for all of eternity, little boy. He tells her he doesn't want to hurt her, he doesn't want to hurt anybody. But she convinces him that hurting her will help them both grow spiritually, and it will be an act of love, not hatred. In other words, the woman WANTED it, she ASKED for it. A woman hater's fantasy come true!
Of course, if violence against women is being justified by pre-birth planning, then violence against children is, too. Are we suppose to believe that children who get molested by perverts, for example, chose to be molested before they incarnated? And that their molestors did so out of love? If the author is suggesting this, then he should be handing out this book for free in maximum security prisons. Maybe it would offer some hope to delusional criminals!

Very good book! Sets your mind to thinking. Highly recommended.
Awesome book! A must read!