Continental Drift Author:Russell Banks Fed up with his meager life in New Hampshire, Bob Dubois moves his family to Florida and illegally smuggles Haitians into the U.S. Vanise and her nephew and baby are among those Bob smuggles, and their destinies meet in a shocking twist of events.
I thought this was a very good book. I had read Rule of the Bone and thought the same of it. Mr Banks isn't going to write a feel good story I'm convinced but his books leave you impressed.
Awful. I was tempted to quit reading because Bob, the main character, is such a weak character. I hope this is not "the great American novel" that some think it is, or life in America is shallow, meaningless, and ugly.
This is the story of Bob Dubois, a young blue collar worker with 2 daughters, two womwn and too many debts, who decided one snowy Christmas season that he hated his life. He struck out in search of the american dream- and found a nightmare of life in florida today.