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Combustion (Point of Origin, Kay Scarpetta, Bk 9) (French Edition)
Combustion - Point of Origin, Kay Scarpetta, Bk 9 - French Edition Author:Patricia Cornwell, Helene Narbonne (Translator) A farmhouse destroyed by fire. A body amongst the ruins. Dr Kay Scarpetta, Chief Medical Examiner and consulting pathologist for the federal law enforcement agency ATF, is called out to a farmhouse in Virginia which has been destroyed by fire. In the ruins of the house she finds a body which tells a story of a violent and grisly murder. The fire... more » has come at the same time as another, even more incendiary horror: Carrie Grethen, a killer who nearly destroyed the lives of Scarpetta and those closest to her, has escaped from a forensic psychiatric hospital. Her whereabouts is unknown, but her ultimate destination is not, for Carrie has begun to communicate with Scarpetta, conveying her deadly - if cryptic - plans for revenge.
French Description:
Un tueur machiavélique, qui se sert du feu pour couvrir la trace de ses crimes : aux yeux de Kay Scarpetta, cela pourrait n'être qu'une enquête de plus. Mais elle acquiert la conviction que son ennemie mortelle, Carrie Grethen, évadée de sa prison new-yorkaise, est mêlée à ces meurtres. Lorsque Carrie prend pour cible sa nièce, Lucy, l'enquête revêt une dimension personnelle, et la tragédie la rattrape... Avec ce dixième roman, vendu à plus d'un million d'exemplaires aux Etats-Unis, Patricia Cornwell offre à ses innombrables " fans " un nouveau chef-d'œuvre, aussi fort que Post-mortem ou Une mort sans nom. Un suspense où Kay Scarpetta, tour à tour forte et fragile, désemparée et implacable, se révèle plus attachante que jamais.« less