Thomas F. (hardtack) - , reviewed Clash of the Carriers: The True Story of the Marianas Turkey Shoot of World War II on + 2746 more book reviews
The "Marianas Turkey Shoot" effectively destroyed Japan's air forces. Not only did they lose hundred of planes, but also scores of veteran pilots they couldn't replace. The author more than did his research for this book, as he does into great detail with information on the ships, planes and men of both naval forces. For World War II buffs, this is a bonanza.
The only historical mistake I saw was his stating the Japanese Navy lost four carriers in one day at the Battle of Midway. Actually they lost three one day and one the next.
He finished the books by covering the later careers of the men in the American and Japanese navies who participated in this Battle of the Philippine Sea.
But I wondered at some of his statements about the investigation into the 1991 Tailhook Scandal being unjustified. I'm not sure why these made it into the book. Apparently, he is one of those people who feel women aren't equal and don't belong in the military. Whereas women have consistently proven themselves to be well-qualified pilots, even in combat.
The only historical mistake I saw was his stating the Japanese Navy lost four carriers in one day at the Battle of Midway. Actually they lost three one day and one the next.
He finished the books by covering the later careers of the men in the American and Japanese navies who participated in this Battle of the Philippine Sea.
But I wondered at some of his statements about the investigation into the 1991 Tailhook Scandal being unjustified. I'm not sure why these made it into the book. Apparently, he is one of those people who feel women aren't equal and don't belong in the military. Whereas women have consistently proven themselves to be well-qualified pilots, even in combat.