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Cinematherapy : The Girl's Guide to Movies for Every Mood
Cinematherapy The Girl's Guide to Movies for Every Mood Author:Beverly West, Nancy Peske What can take the edge off a bad day at the office better than a movie where the boss gets his (9-5)? And, of course, that close-up of Antonio Banderas, wet and naked in a cage, is the best cure for the break-up blahs known to modern science (Never Talk to Strangers). Now, for the first time, Cinematherapy acknowledges what ... more »women have known for years, and provides a sage guide to the best movie medicine currently available for whatever ails you, whether it's a sudden hormonal shift, a bad-hair day, or a full-fledged identity crisis.« less
This book is really great if you are looking for movies to put you in a certain mood. Some of it I agrreed with and some was way off mark. It was funny and entertaining and a good read all by itself!