Cimbing Classic Climbs - Calendar Author:Climbing Magazine (September 2002) The eternal paradox: so may routes, so little time. You've pared your life down to the bare minimum - eating, sleeping, working, and occasional polite conversation - but you still can't find enough time to climb. Panic not. With our 2003 Weekly Calendar, chock full of 54 splitter routes, grade comparison charts, and useful contacts, you'll never... more » be that far from the sport you love.
Groove on the inspirational photos and memorize historical route beta while lining out next week's "sick" days at work, curiously time to correspond with a forecast for Velcro temps at the Projy-Wojy Boulders. Dig on the climbing trivia - dates like the first ascent of El Cap's Nose - while you pencil in those naggings, non-climbing related occasions like mom's birthday or a trip to the dentist.« less