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Topic: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

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Subject: Goodbye sweet ladies
Date Posted: 2/2/2015 10:08 AM ET
Member Since: 4/9/2008
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I haven't been on here in a long time, but I have thought of you and prayed for you. With the newest announcement from PBS, I figure it's time to close my account. They do offer free accounts of a limited nature, but I don't see that working for me. All the same, this one thread was the one place I had to come to say thank you, and good bye, and God bless you. You are wonderful ladies and you helped humanize PBS and you were a soft place for me to come and sit for awhile when the world got too hard. My love goes out to you. My account will still be here for a few days, but the paid accounts activate this month, so it won't be long.

Thank you again. God bless you lovely, lovely sisters.

jannymarie avatar
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Date Posted: 2/2/2015 10:43 AM ET
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Lora, thank you for your thoughts and prayers and such kind words. I too think and prayer for the long distance sisters I have meet here on PBS and will miss very much those that leave.

I am sad about the PBS change wish they would have given a little more notice and time to contemplate.  I  have several things going on here that I feel I am forced to pay just to complete the games I am involved in.  But as has been pointed out in other threads $1.54 a month isn't to bad if you trade a lot on PBS.  But I will get on my soapbox now and complain that the world has convinced everyone to pay out their hard earned money for virtual services.  What are the real costs of all these services/fees that we are forced to pay that are attached to everything?   For example my home telephone service is $6.35 a month but when they add all the fees to it somehow it magically become $21.00+ a month.  So now approximately $15.00 x 300 million people seems way out of balance to me.  And that is only one bill.  

I will step down now.  Just food for thought provoked by this change.

Hugs & Prayers to all.

Grnemae avatar
Date Posted: 2/2/2015 12:36 PM ET
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To those who feel they need to leave PBS I will bid adieu.

I am staying. I do not have any used bookstores near me and only one thrift store that does not accept or sell books.  A drive to the library 1 time a month is more than the $1.67 per month that the membership fee will cost.  

loralei avatar
Date Posted: 2/2/2015 1:54 PM ET
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This is the only place I have commented and probably will comment on the recent addition to fees.  While it is unfortunate, it was always a possibility that would happen.  To be honest, I would rather spend the $1.67 a month instead of be harassed by loads of advertisements.  Thankfully, I was a gold key member already, so I will stay on to see how and where the transition takes us and if it is worth it in the long run.  I love PBS and the people I have met here throughout the years and that has made this place priceless.  I will miss those friends who choose to leave.  I respect everyone's individual decision.  Please know I love all of you and like Lora, have found this forum to be a great support to me during difficult times.


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Date Posted: 2/2/2015 2:18 PM ET
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I was sad, and contemplated giving up my account...for about 5 minutes.  As a homeschooler it is invaluable to be able to check and see if the books we need can be requested for virtually nothing.  Postage?  Really?  I mostly request hard cover editions so that they will last through 6 children.  OK - actually I just had number 2 graduate, so now there are only 4...hard to believe.  Anyway, I figure the cost per year ($18 early registration) is less than the price of ONE book.  I checked my account for the last year and counted 21 books.  However I only counted the requests that were successful.  The way it was worded, the books that I requested and then ended up canceling are also included. (Sometimes I try to get books nice enough to gift.  That causes some cancelations when they don't meet the standard.)

I am grateful so many of you are staying.  I have thought about you in the last months of silence.  So busy.  Life has changed so much.  We too now live farther from a library, and are in county jurisdiction...which means no-mans-land library wise.  I had to pay $80 to get a library card (!?!) because I am not in the city limits.  Paperback swap is a better option LOL, although I will continue to use both.

So who is already thinking about getting those seeds started in the house?  I have about 1/4 acre for a garden and have never "farmed" before.  Any suggestions?  I want to start with stuff I never had room for!  Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage.  Have no idea when to start them, and when to put the outside.  Anyone know if those are cool weather veggies?

Going to get my missionary at the end of the month!!  Had to share some good news. smiley  It was good to hear from you all!!


Grnemae avatar
Date Posted: 2/2/2015 3:02 PM ET
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 Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage.  Have no idea when to start them, and when to put the outside.  Anyone know if those are cool weather veggies?


Google the information and/or try Pinterest for how to get started information.

My parents in Southern Alberta always had cauliflower and cabbage (started from seed in the ground) so you should not have any problem in your part of Utah.  

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Date Posted: 2/3/2015 12:17 AM ET
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Thanks LaVonne!  I always try to get someone who has personal experience first, but I know that is hard from different parts of the country - different growing zones, etc.  I was planning to start them inside, but maybe I don't need to!

Hoping you are happy and healthy.


jannymarie avatar
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Date Posted: 2/4/2015 3:46 PM ET
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I saw this awesome idea being offered in the book bazaar if anyone needs help getting there membership using credits check it out.

Topic: Want to buy a gift membership in return for credits?

Grnemae avatar
Date Posted: 2/4/2015 3:54 PM ET
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I can buy 1 or 2 gift memberships either level in exchange for credits.  

6 credits for Limited membership - 10 credits for a Standard membership (9 until 2-15)

loralei avatar
Date Posted: 2/14/2015 12:27 PM ET
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My sweet daughter got engaged last night!  They have been together for over two years and throughout both of their missions.  So excited for them both!  She is hoping to be married in the SLC temple so those from her mission can be there as well, but has yet to set a date.  After all the engagement only happened last night!  Happiness for Jordin and Jordan.


Last Edited on: 2/14/15 12:28 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Grnemae avatar
Date Posted: 2/14/2015 1:40 PM ET
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Congrats to Jordin and Jordan. They are both very good looking.  Name confusion I am sure for awhile.  We have 2 Emmas, 2 Billys, 2 Tony's (was 3 prior to my SIL's death) and so it does at times become confusing. 


loralei avatar
Date Posted: 2/14/2015 3:25 PM ET
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Thanks LaVonne.  You know, the name confusion is nothing new as she has a sister who is a Jordan as well. :)  Her dad married a woman who had a baby girl named Jordan and then later adopted her.  So it is pretty funny.  Her sister goes by JJ, my Jordin gets called J, George and Jo....depending on who talks about her.  I call her fiance her man-friend, just so my dad can understand the difference between the two as he has early stages alzheimers. :)  At least their names are spelled differently. :)

Grnemae avatar
Date Posted: 2/14/2015 5:59 PM ET
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We have nicknames for our group also.

Both Emma's came to us through marriage to a parent who had the children already and the same as one of the Billy's.  The youngest great grandson is William Rocco (named for his deceased uncle and his now deceased grandpa) and we call him Billy Roc.

I also forgot that we have a Nikki and a Paige and Nikki's DH has 2 step daughters named Nikki and Paige.

loralei avatar
Date Posted: 2/14/2015 6:18 PM ET
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Oh wow LaVonne.  It would be hard to keep them all straight.  Love the name Billy Roc!  That is awesome.

Just found out the wedding will be at the end of May in South Carolina. 

jannymarie avatar
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Date Posted: 8/24/2024 4:56 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 8/24/24 6:02 PM ET - Total times edited: 16