Children with Autism A Parent's Guide Author:Michael D. Powers (Editor) For both the new parent coping with a child's recent diagnosis and one who's an experienced advocate, Children with Autism is a must-have reference. It is the trusted, respected source of information on autism and the other conditions within the spectrum of pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). — Now completely revised and updated, Chil... more »dren with Autism covers a multitude of special concerns, including daily and family life, early intervention, educational programs, legal rights, advocacy, and a look at the years ahead with a chapter on adults with autism. Parents can turn to this new edition for the latest information on current diagnostic criteria, Applied Behavior Analysis, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), autism advocacy via the Internet, and much more.
Another important feature of the book is the group of parent statements found at the end of each chapter. Here the reader gains the perspective and support from many other parents who share their own family's experiences. Other helpful features include a glossary, reading and resource lists, and a delightful collection of photographs of children with autism scattered throughout the book.
Foreword by Temple Grandin.
Foreword to the second edition / Temple Grandin --
Foreword to the first edition / Beverly Sills Greenough --
Introduction / Bernard Rimland, Ph. D --
What is autism? / Michael D. Powers, Psy. D. --
Adjusting to your child's diagnosis / Lillian and Joe Tommasone --
Medical problems, treatments, and professionals / Fred R. Volkmar, M.D. --
Daily life with your child / Carolyn Thorwarth Bruey, Psy. D. --
Children with autism and their families / Michael D. Powers, Psy. D. --
Your child's development / Sandra L. Harris, Ph. D. --
Finding the right early intervention and educational programs / Andrew L. Egel, Ph. D. --
Legal rights and hurdles / James E. Kaplan and Ralph J. Moore, Jr. --
Becoming an advocate / Bernice Friedlander --
The years ahead : adults with autism / David L. Holmes, Ed. D« less