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Topic: Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul, and others wanted.....

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Subject: Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul, and others wanted.....
Date Posted: 5/6/2011 4:58 PM ET
Member Since: 8/15/2010
Posts: 52
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I'm looking for Chicken Soup books, especially those that you may be able to offer in a deal with another type of insirational book, or maybe you have a collection of Chicken Soup books on your shelf that you can offer in a deal....Topics of extreme interest include, but are not limited to: Christian Soul, I and II. Mother's Soul. Mother of Preschooler's Soul. Mother of Son's Soul. Body and Soul. Couple's Soul. Woman's Soul. Parent's Soul....THANK YOU! Please PM me with any offers ;) 

ryan-talley avatar
Ryan -
Date Posted: 11/16/2011 11:28 AM ET
Member Since: 7/27/2007
Posts: 9
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I realize that this is an old post, but I do have several of the Chicken Soup books on my BS - including a few of the specific one that you mentioned.  I also have several more of the Chicken Soup books that are not listeable.

Just thought I'd let you know.   Have a great day!

Last Edited on: 11/16/11 11:29 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Subject: Chicken Soup books
Date Posted: 9/16/2014 5:39 PM ET
Member Since: 7/10/2012
Posts: 220
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I don't think I have Chicken Soup for the Christian soul, but I have about 15 Chicken Soup books on my shelf, I would make a deal for them.  Robert R. (rikker)