Very clever!
Libby S. (Libratsie) reviewed The Cat Who Knew a Cardinal (Cat Who,...Bk 12) on + 344 more book reviews
All the world's a stage- and now Jim Qwilleran's apple orchard has become the stage for a real-life murder scene. The much-disliked director of the Pickax Theatre Club's Shakespeare production, Hilary VanBrook, is found dead after the closing-night cast party... and with the help of his super-smart Siamese, Qwill must cast a suspicious eye on all the players, especially the ones pussyfooting around behind the scenes.

another delightful tale of the "cat who...."
Shirley R. (sdrred) reviewed The Cat Who Knew a Cardinal (Cat Who,...Bk 12) on + 109 more book reviews
Great Cozy Reading!!
Katherine C. (KBC) reviewed The Cat Who Knew a Cardinal (Cat Who,...Bk 12) on + 42 more book reviews
Good book. Typical Cat Who... style. 0.
Its another great cozy mystery with the famous Siamese cats. I thought this one was a bit better than the last few I've read in the series. Jealousy on both sides prompt a closer relationship between Quill and Polly .... ending with him asking her a question .... It keeps one wondering where their relationship will lead.
Joan O. (southerncooker) reviewed The Cat Who Knew a Cardinal (Cat Who,...Bk 12) on + 106 more book reviews
Tipical cat who book.
Another in the "Cat Who" series of cozies. The murder of a very disliked citizen of Moose County puts Qwilleran and his cats on the job solving the mystery of 'whodunit'. A fun read!

Another great tale of Koko and Yum Yum solving a mystery - I love these books and have read every one!
You don't have to like cats to enjoy this book. These cat mystery books are the best.

Very cute. As a cat owner, I loved the antics of the two kitties Koko and Yum Yum.
Well written - this is a good example on how the series became so widely read.
All the world's a stage - and now Jim Qwilleran's apple orchard has become the stage for a real-life murder scene. The much-disliked director of the Pickax Theater Club's Shakespeare production, Hilary VanBrook, is found dead after the closing night cast party ... and with the help of his super-smart Siamese, Qwill must cast a suspicious eye on all the players - especially the ones pussyfooting around behind the scenes.
All the world's a stage - and now Jim Qwilleran's apple orchard has become the stage for a real-life murder scene. The much-disliked director of the Pickax Theater Club's Shakespeare production, Hilary VanBrook, is found dead after the closing night cast party ... and with the help of his super-smart Siamese, Qwill must cast a suspicious eye on all the players - especially the ones pussyfooting around behind the scenes.
Doris R. (crossstitch) reviewed The Cat Who Knew a Cardinal (Cat Who,...Bk 12) on + 14 more book reviews
1992 Jove Publication. Qwill investigates the murder of the much-disliked director of the Pickax Theatre.
JULIE S. (GreatFun) reviewed The Cat Who Knew a Cardinal (Cat Who,...Bk 12) on + 23 more book reviews
All the world's a state-and now Jim Qwilleran's apple orchard has become the stage for a real-life murder scene. The much-disliked director of the Pickax Theatre Club's Shakespeare production, Hilary VanBrook, is found dead after the closing-night case party..and with the help of his super-smart Siamese, Qwill must cast a suspicious eye on all the players-especially the ones pussyfooting around behind the scenes.