The Candy Cook Book Author:Alice Bradley From the author's preface: "Candy bought in the stores is likely to be expensive, poorly made, or impure. Candy made at home need be none of these things. And how enjoyable the process of candy making! What a pleasure it is some afternoon or evening when there is time to spare, to gratify the appetite with a home confection, easily made! ... more »Even the little folks may take part, may help in the exciting business of manufacture, learn something of the mysteries of the kitchen, gain a little in power to use their head and hands. All of us enjoy the process and relish the product. Why, candy making is one of those all important household pleasures that make family life mean what it does. The hours thus spent are an intimate part of that life. The writer believes, therefore, that she serves all homelovers in compiling this book. Its recipes have been thoroughly tried and tested in our school kitchens. They are simple and well adapted for ordinary use. It is in the hope that they will be the source of many a pleasant time at home that this work is committed to its readers." Alice Bradley was Principal of Miss Fanny Farmer's School of Cookery, and cooking editor of Woman's Home Companion. The book was originally published in 1917.« less