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Topic: Cancelled requests

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IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Subject: Cancelled requests
Date Posted: 1/2/2025 6:41 PM ET
Member Since: 4/28/2009
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I am getting more and more cancelled requests for books on my WL. But I am getting no reason for the cancellations.  ( I do have an RC.) I think all the cancellations were made without time to respond running out. Anyone else seeing this happen?????

returntogenesis avatar
Martin P. - ,
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Subject: Cancelled Requests
Date Posted: 1/26/2025 12:29 PM ET
Member Since: 6/24/2010
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Same here. PaperbackSwap sends only one notification that a book on my Wish List is available, and it only allows me 48 hours to respond. If a book is on my Wish List, it's there because I want the book PERIOD

IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Date Posted: 1/26/2025 12:45 PM ET
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The cancellations I am getting are made by the sender, mostly after I have accepted the offer. 

nandip avatar
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Date Posted: 1/26/2025 6:08 PM ET
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interesting~ I've gotten it both ways in the last 2 months. Just had my request for a book on my WL come up and the person did give a statement; 'I gave all my PBS books away. I don't have any books on PBS.'     well it was there and then they cancelled it! It's getting tiresome but I would like to use my credits too. 

Patouie avatar
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Date Posted: 1/28/2025 12:22 AM ET
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"If a book is on my Wish List, it's there because I want the book PERIOD"

Martin, you probably know this, but you have the option of placing books on your Wish List on auto-request, so that your account accepts an offer  automatically, as long as you have the book credit to cover the order.

jenellbee avatar
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Date Posted: 3/6/2025 1:20 PM ET
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I've had a book request canceled twice for the same book. I don't know if it was the same user, but each time the request timed out because the book wasn't mailed in time. Shortly after the first one timed out, I got a notification that the book had been relisted - I figured they found the book and were ready to send it. Nope! Oh well.

IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Date Posted: 3/8/2025 11:35 AM ET
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Got an email this week that my request for 'The Water Dancer' had been cancelled and book put on my reminder list because my RC was denied and no other copies to offer me. This morn I see on my front  page that book has been mailed to me!

I Pm'd the sender to say I had gotten an email from PBS cancelling the book ( PB) due to my RC. Her reply is that it was dened due to my RC refusing any former libray media.....that is not my RC. Then She says it is a really nice set of audio cds, no scratches at all ......

I'm thinking she might have confused me with another order. I plan to wait and see what shows up......any other advice?

Last Edited on: 3/8/25 11:36 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
Patouie avatar
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Date Posted: 3/27/2025 5:53 PM ET
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"I Pm'd the sender to say I had gotten an email from PBS cancelling the book ( PB) due to my RC. Her reply is that it was dened due to my RC refusing any former libray media.....that is not my RC."

Most likely she received a request with that Requestor Condition, denied the RCs, and then, when your request came up next she thought you were the same person. (That happens pretty often.) She couldn't deny your RCs (you didn't have any) so she clicked "I cannot mail." When she reposted the book, it wasn't offered to the first wisher because she had already denied those RCs, but was immediately offered to you.

And I just took The Water Dancer with me on vacation, and loved it. I found myself rereading paragraphs, not because they weren't clear, but because the language was lovely. So a slower read, and well worth it. I passed it to a friend who also really enjoyed it.