The Calling Author:Gary Barkalow "God will instruct him in the way chosen for him." - Psalm 25:12 — Could we have been brought into an Epic Story where the way we live really doesn't matter? Could we have been given an irreplaceable part to play, but the Author refuses to tell what it is? Our hearts sink with the fear that the answer may be "yes", because of the way we have expe... more »rienced life and God. But the true answer is a resounding and definite "no."
Why can't we find the life we were created to live, if it is simply a matter of discovering our personality type and spiritual gifts and then matching them to the needs of the church or world? And if you have done that, why does it feel so life-less or life-taking?
God has already given you a map to your particular place in this Larger Story. It is as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said, "Many lives have a mystical sense but not everyone reads it right. More often than not, it is given to us in cryptic form, and when we fail to decipher it, we despair, because our lives seem meaningless." Building off the message of The Sacred Romance and The Journey of Desire, Gary Barkalow sheds light on interpreting the mysterious code written on our hearts, leading us to our place in The Story.« less