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Butterfly: An Erotic Odyssey - Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines (Sex in Southeast Asia)
Butterfly An Erotic Odyssey Thailand Cambodia Philippines - Sex in Southeast Asia Author:Steven Yang Butterfly explores love for sale in Southeast Asia and the sensuality of the twenty-six young ladies profiled in this erotic odyssey . . . sexual technique, travel, culture, history, politics, and Pattaya's wild celebration of Songkran. In Butterfly, our intrepid photojournalist is writing travel guides in Pattaya and Phnom Penh, shooting ill... more »ustrations, and making love with pretty Thai and Vietnamese women every night. Butterfly is hot, relentless and explicit, a virtual Kama Sutra of sexual variations. . . . told in a man-to-man fashion. Author of ten guides to Southeast Asian destinations, Yang has woven a treasure of travel information into this erotic tour de force.« less