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Topic: Business Book Suggestions

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Subject: Business Book Suggestions
Date Posted: 9/21/2008 11:41 PM ET
Member Since: 9/14/2008
Posts: 3
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For those looking to better themselves or just in love with making money, here are some of my personal suggestions:

This is not a list to promote any of the books I've listed for thise website. On the contrary, I love these books so much that I am not trading them, but if they are available I would suggest looking into them.

In no particular order, just the closest to me are listed first

1.) Liar's Poker - A story about the trading floor at Salomon Brothers and a look at what it takes to be in this industry

2.) Barbarians at the Gate - The story of the acquisition of Nabisco from RJ Reynolds. The characters are really brought to life and the story on the whole is very enjoyable

3.) Freakanomics - I wouldn't read this book again, but it does provide some very interesting takes into things such as how a child's name can impact their sucess in life (with some extreme examples of parents naming one kid loser and one winner)

4.) The intelligent investor - The cornerstone of value investing

5.) Buffett - the biography of our nations most well known and morally strong rich people. It's amazing how humbly the world's richest man lives and his approach to life. Very well written, without the falseness of the multitude of authors authorized or not that exploit Buffett's to promise the dream that you can be like him.

6.)One up on Wall Street - the cornerstone of growth investing, another classic

7.) Comic Wars - This is one most people will probably not be familiar with. I previously owned stock in Marvel Corporation (the comic book company) and did pretty well. This novel details Marvel rise from bankruptcy to the superpower it is today. (try to find another company that can just print money basically like Marvel does).

8.) The interpretation of financial statements - a bit basic for those with any accounting background, but excellent for those that do not

9.)Don't Sweat the small stuff at work - kind of self helpish, but very practical and the author offers very brief and well-thought out reasons for what he is recommending.

10.) Any Motley Fool book - kind of a cop out without listing one, but these books offer very basic advice as to how to approach the stock market. Even though the actual website now appears to be listing any stock it can in it's article to attract hits, it's advice is still relatively sound and some of it's members.

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Date Posted: 11/6/2008 11:20 PM ET
Member Since: 7/22/2008
Posts: 118
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I would add some book (that I am not trading, sorry) that I have found thought provoking though more from a personal finance point of view.

1) The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley and William D. Danko - Most useful to see how the well to do really live and for a personal score card ie. Net Worth = 10 * income = wealthy

2) Please Understand Me by David Keirsey and Marilyn Bates - Myers-Briggs personality typing and how the types react to each other. Helpful in understanding why I react and expect one thing and my husband, kids, friends, co-workers react differently

3) Your Money or Your Life by Joe Dominguez and Vicky Robin - Your relationship with money vs time

4) Smart Couples Finish Rich by David Bach or Smart Women Finish Rich for those who are single.

5) The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey - I am still working my way through this book but I like the changes it is causing me to take.

I would love to see other people add books that they have found.

Last Edited on: 11/6/08 11:21 PM ET - Total times edited: 1