Helpful Score: 1
This was a very interesting read and would be a good read aloud for younger children. It shows how God used one young man to show His love to a tribal people.
Helpful Score: 1
I've read this one over and over. It's a very candid story of a young missionary who ventured into dangerous, unreached areas, and saw miracles happen. Makes you think about our life and how it compares to other parts of the world and also the sacrifices made to take christianity tp unreached peoples.
Helpful Score: 1
This is the story of a Bruce Olson, a 19 year old American youth who went, on his own (i.e., with close to zero support from anyone), as a missionary to the Motilone, one of the most feared and least understood Indian tribes in South America. He nearly died several times but in the end seems to have converted the greater part of the tribe to Christianity. He did several things that were quite unusual. Two accomplishments that stick in my mind were: 1) he and the Indians composed original hymns in their peculiar musical language, which is reported to sound eerie and dissonant -- almost demonic -- to Western ears; and 2) he went to great extremes to use dynamic equivalence in translating the Bible into their language. For example, he completely reversed the metaphor used by Christ in Matt. 7:24-27; because in that tribe's culture, only a fool would build his house on a rock, and the obvious wise place to build a house is on *sand.* Architectural references were also modified, as in their culture the box-like rectangular architecture familiar to us is considered ugly; "virtuous" architecture is all round. And so on.
The astonishing true story of a 19 year old American-his capture by the Motilone Indians and his adventures in Christianizing the Stone Age tribe.
amazing missionary account of 19 year-old boy and South American Indian tribes
This is a great book!True story of a 19 year old American captured by the Motilone indians in South America.
Great, inspiring book of a young man on fire for the Lord!
It was quite interesting.
We heard the story of "God in the banana stalk" from Don Richardson, author of PEACE CHILD, in the 1970's. It was a welcome opportunity to hear the full story of Bruce Olson's adventures with God in Columbia.