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Topic: is it Brownies or fudge?

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Subject: is it Brownies or fudge?
Date Posted: 10/9/2016 11:00 AM ET
Member Since: 6/30/2008
Posts: 4,173
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how do you tell the difference between brownies and fudge?

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Date Posted: 10/10/2016 8:40 AM ET
Member Since: 11/28/2007
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I can immediately tell the difference between brownies and fudge when I see them. But it's hard to actually explain or describe why they are different.

But the best answer I can give is that brownies have flour in them and fudge does not. Brownies are "cake-like" but dense. They are almost like a cake that didn't rise. Fudge is a candy, not a cake.

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Date Posted: 10/10/2016 9:08 AM ET
Member Since: 6/30/2008
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I guess I shouldn't worry about the distinction of one or the other. I like both so what the heck. Although I think I am a little more inclined toward brownies. I went to a library book sale Saturday and they had a bake sale along with the books. I bought a small plate of what I thought were brownies but it turned out they were fudge. Stuck to the roof of my mouth big time.