Helpful Score: 20
Laughed my butt off. Read entire passages outloud to my husband, so he could laugh also. Lent to my friend, but she didn't like it. So I'm thinking the humor of this book is the type you'll either love or hate. Very quick read as it's written like a blog, which is what it first was.

Helpful Score: 3
A fun book and a real quick read. I had several laugh outloud moments.

Helpful Score: 3
As a blog, this might have been fun to read and I might have laughed a few times. As a book, I find it dull and the funny moments are few and far between. In fact, I've given up less than 100 pages in. I don't give a hoot about Broke Angie.
Susan G. reviewed The Broke Diaries : The Completely True and Hilarious Misadventures of a Good Girl Gone Broke on + 2 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
I loved this book! The author is hilarious and witty in her account, written in diary format, of her fiscally challenged, experience filled years in college. Anyone who has ever pinched a penny will really laugh (belly-laugh) when reading this book.
Michelle (ShellyD77) - reviewed The Broke Diaries : The Completely True and Hilarious Misadventures of a Good Girl Gone Broke on + 193 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
Very funny story of a broke collage student. Who hasn't been there? Many laugh out loud moments made for a very fast read

Helpful Score: 2
Hilarious! I laughed out loud several times and had to read it aloud because my boyfriend kept asking me was funny. I think this is a book that you will either love or you will hate. I don't think there will be any middle ground.
You have to have the right sense of humor to enjoy this book. I absolutely loved it!
You have to have the right sense of humor to enjoy this book. I absolutely loved it!

Helpful Score: 1
Occasionally "effing" funny, always entertaining, and I did learn a few things about banking and check cashing... something I had always wondered about.

Helpful Score: 1
This was a very funny book about living as a broke student in Philadelphia.
Angela Nissel has a way with words and I laughed along at her misadventures.
Angela Nissel has a way with words and I laughed along at her misadventures.

Helpful Score: 1
This was one of the funniest books I have read in a long time!! I laughed so hard I woke up my son in the next room!! Loved it!!

Helpful Score: 1
This book made me revisit my college days because I could totally relate to some of the things she was going through.
Christine K. reviewed The Broke Diaries : The Completely True and Hilarious Misadventures of a Good Girl Gone Broke on + 11 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Very funny book that tells the story of a woman struggling when she's in her early twenties.

Helpful Score: 1
Very entertaining. Good for a one time read through, but not a keeper. Wish I could have been there for "Oh, the O!" tho....I am still laughing about that one. :)
Deanna B. (brokedownrage) reviewed The Broke Diaries : The Completely True and Hilarious Misadventures of a Good Girl Gone Broke on + 8 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Very funny inside view of being dirt poor in college!
Kate H. (authorkate) reviewed The Broke Diaries : The Completely True and Hilarious Misadventures of a Good Girl Gone Broke on + 14 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
I recommend this book all the time! One of the few books that I have continuously (sp?) laughed out loud the entire time I read it. The author writes in a sassy, intelligent, very witty tone you'll appreciate and enjoy from start to finish. PERFECT for the broke college student, anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation, or anyone needing a good laugh!
Jacky K. (Jacky) reviewed The Broke Diaries : The Completely True and Hilarious Misadventures of a Good Girl Gone Broke on + 174 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Somewhat entertaining.

Helpful Score: 1
Waste of my time. What a complete disappointment.

Helpful Score: 1
This book is a very quick and light read and strictly for fun. It is a collection of humourous tails of a broke undergrad at the University of Pennsylvania. Those familiar with UPenn or Philadelphia might identify a bit more with situations, but almost every reader should get quite a few laughs from Angela's penny pinching "misadventures".
Andrea T. (ajane) reviewed The Broke Diaries : The Completely True and Hilarious Misadventures of a Good Girl Gone Broke on + 49 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
I truly enjoyed this book. Sadly I could actually relate to her "brokeness." It made me laugh.

Helpful Score: 1
Totally hysterical!! Enjoyed this quick read and all the laughs that came with it!
Karen R. (karendawn) reviewed The Broke Diaries : The Completely True and Hilarious Misadventures of a Good Girl Gone Broke on + 287 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
I found the author to be very annoying and not really very funny. I gave up around page 50.

Helpful Score: 1
Very funny book about how to make life work when your broke. Some of the things she came up with were ingenious (and somewhat desperate).

A decent read that I read mostly to pass the time. It's funny at times, but maybe only because I can relate because I'm also a poor college student. Entertaining in a mediocre kind of way.

I'm glad I got this book from the library. Not as horrible as "Save Karyn" because Angela DOES NOT take money from anyone just friends and neighbors. I was laughing right up to about page 20 when the "NYC Debit Card" incident happened. Long story short, she lost me due to her stupidity. Making phonecalls using your debit card (which only had less than $5 in it) and not thinking you weren't going to get charged because there wasn't a sign on the phone is stupid. Angela racked up $300+ in overdraft fees and decided to close her account. Because she was getting direct deposit, she needed to go to a cash-checking agency, blah, blah, blah. I really wanted to enjoy this book because I've been there but I got tired of the situation. Maybe I should stick with books that have titles like "When Stupid People Do Stupid Things." Then I wouldn't have such high expectations.

I found this book to be very dull. Instead of finding out why she's broke and what she's doing about it, she tells you that she baked a cake and that it caused her problems, or that the guy at the check cashing store freaked her out. Nothing made me laugh for the 70 pages into it that I read before giving up, and nothing except for her complaining that she had no money was about her being broke and how was recovering from it. I suggest reading Save Karyn: One shopaholic's journey to debt and back, that book was a heck of a lot funnier, had a story to it, and is true as well.

This book is sure to please quite a few people. But for me, the diary format and the way the tales were told just didn't quite float my boat. Decided not to finish it and passed it on.

Absolutely Hillarious! I was laughing out loud at certain points, highly reccommended!!
Jan M. reviewed The Broke Diaries : The Completely True and Hilarious Misadventures of a Good Girl Gone Broke on + 9 more book reviews
Book was really funny and anyone who has ever been a broke college student Or whom has just gone through a really hard time in life can relate. Makes me sad is that many of the negative book reviews clearly have racist/classist undertones. I would think that the book reading community would be a little bit more progressive, but it obvious that because the protagonist is black some readers are little harsh in judging her. But I think Angie is brave and her story can touch many lives

1.5 stars. Not sure how hilarious got thrown in the title, this book didn't really do it for me. It was ok at best and I thought about laughing a few times but it didn't happen. Ang is a broke college student who can hardly afford ramen noodles and she damn near steals them because she is a couple cents short. If she put all the time and effort of scheming free food, looking through free ads and all other desperate attempts to survive she would've had the time to apply and find a better job with...more1.5 stars. Not sure how hilarious got thrown in the title, this book didn't really do it for me. It was ok at best and I thought about laughing a few times but it didn't happen. Ang is a broke college student who can hardly afford ramen noodles and she damn near steals them because she is a couple cents short. If she put all the time and effort of scheming free food, looking through free ads and all other desperate attempts to survive she would've had the time to apply and find a better job with more hours than the "little part time" job she had. Glad this is off my bookshelf, mostly a waste of time in my opinion.