Two words...loathe it. Chaoas would have been a better title. I can't help but feel that this was written after being under the influence of alcohol and drugs or both. The story goes nowhere, there's no plot, there's an abundance of characters who have no idea why there're in the story, so of course they just sit back doing nothing. Practically every chapter there's a new person mentioned, and one would assume that eventually they would all come full circle. Alas one would be wrong, because each character becomes an incomplete story with no understanding as to why they were even introduced in the first place. Right now I'm sooo annoyed I don't even want to type this review, but if I can save someone the money of ordering this books I'll consider this worth it. If you feel you must read it, because you're a die hard fan like me, borrow it from the library instead. That way you'll just be out the hours you spent reading it.