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Topic: Books disappearing in the mail system

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hardtack avatar
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Subject: Books disappearing in the mail system
Date Posted: 8/18/2024 8:32 PM ET
Member Since: 9/22/2010
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In the last few weeks I've had two mailed books not make it to me, the system canceled the request and my credits were restored.  And I think this is about to happen to a third book. Plus since March, according to USPS tracking, I've had a book I mailed trying to make it across the boder from Florida to Georgia.

Anyone else having this problem?

Last Edited on: 8/18/24 8:33 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 8/19/2024 1:30 AM ET
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I had a box of DVDs a month ago that nearly timed out because it crossed the continent three times - Anacortes WA to NJ back to Seattle back to NJ and finally delivered in NY..

Printed postage too, my handwriting cannot be blamed.

Last Edited on: 8/19/24 1:31 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
rutabaker avatar
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Date Posted: 8/19/2024 12:49 PM ET
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I had a DVD time out after a month but it came from Hawaii and did arrive the day after timing out.

I hadn't noticed any books going astray or timing out or disappearing.

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Pat O. (PatinCO) - ,
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Date Posted: 8/20/2024 12:06 AM ET
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Marya - books and CDs going to or coming from Hawaii, for whatever reason, go by ship so do take a much longer time. I also think that books/CDs going to the Virgin Islands also go by ship, but not positive about that. 

rutabaker avatar
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Date Posted: 8/20/2024 8:25 AM ET
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Thanks for your heads up, Pat. The folks at the local PO explained how it works from Hawaii, I didn't expect it to be quick, and I did receive the DVD in the end.

rutabaker avatar
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Date Posted: 8/21/2024 6:19 PM ET
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This (on another thread) is worth a look: postcard takes 121 yrs to arrive - Club Members' Thoughts » PaperBack Swap

IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Date Posted: 8/23/2024 12:06 AM ET
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Thomas, I am just a couple hours sourh of you but have not had that issue coming or going in quite some time (years). 

hardtack avatar
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Date Posted: 9/8/2024 4:56 PM ET
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Since June, four books I've requested have gone missing in the mail. Some were postage paid books which showed the two initial tracking entries and nothing after that. As if they never made it to the post office the first time.  I just lost another one today and it looks like I'll lose two more soon. This seems like an 'enormous' amount, as I've never lost more than a couple since I joined and I've received slightly over 2,900 books so far.

There were a few which went 'lost' I received after the system posted my credit back to me. But these eventually showed up in my mailbox and I 'gifted' the sender a credit for them.  On the other hand, I still have one book I mailed in March which is still trying to cross the FL-GA border to get to the member who requestd it.

Questiion.   When someone uses postage paid and sends it out and they are declared lost by the system, does the requester also get their credit refunded that the system already gave to the sender?  If not, I hope noone has figured out how to not mail books with postage paid, get the credits and then wait a bit before reposting the books. I doubt this happens, as doesn't that 'missing' book gets added to my WL?  And I've never had that book offered to me again later. 

Since 2010, I've run across a very few members who try some scams. And this doesn't include the ones requesting books in near perfect condition so they can resell them on Amazon. Hopefully, these books were actually mailed, but what happens to them? Some postal carrier doing a lot of reading? Over the years, there were very occasional reports of carriers who dump their deliveries so they can finish early.

Last Edited on: 9/8/24 4:59 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
rebeccam avatar
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Date Posted: 9/8/2024 6:54 PM ET
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With using printable postage, part of the fee covers if the book disappears. I had a book (and other mail) stolen from a blue box about 4 years ago when they could still get dropped in them. Now the blue boxes are designed just for thin mail at least around here so that it is harder to remove items. I received my credit at the time but I did pay for the postage and I think it was for the three pound rate for that book.

But PBS will stop issuing instant credits if printable postage is used and too many books go missing or are mailed late. I think PBS waits until the book is scanned to issue the credits in that case. I'm not sure that people would buy printable postage and then not mail as credits are just $3 in the book bazaar and the book I mailed last week was almost $5.

Sometimes my books get scanned when they are picked up at my mailbox, other times not till late that night at the local post office or another post office and other times not till they are enroute somewhere.