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Topic: Books not allowed as media mail????????

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missa avatar
Subject: Books not allowed as media mail????????
Date Posted: 6/26/2007 9:33 PM ET
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Today, my mom took my packages to the PO for me, and she was told my our PO that books are no longer media mail--books are "bound printed matter" and can't go teh media rate.  This is the first I'd heard of it.  And on the USPS website, it still lists books as a MediaMail item.

Has anyone else heard of this??????????

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Date Posted: 6/26/2007 9:39 PM ET
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Sounds like an uninformed postal worker....

missa avatar
Date Posted: 6/26/2007 9:52 PM ET
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no, this was the postmaster, not just a clerk--we have a very small post office, with no mail route, and I know her very well, as I've been sending books from that PO forever

daredevilgirl013 avatar
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Date Posted: 6/26/2007 9:56 PM ET
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Yeah I got asked that one day. They asked me what I was sending and I said books, and they said oh that's bound printed matter, and I said no, these are books, these are media mails. So he sent them media mail but he was wanting to send them bound printed matter.

needin2read avatar
Date Posted: 6/26/2007 11:10 PM ET
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I got one in the mail today that had "Bound Printed Matter" stamped on it even though it had the PBS wrapper.  Don't know what's up.  Maybe Steve in the Postal forum knows if you want to ask over there.

Edited to say I now stupidly see that this IS the postal forum.  Guess I'm skipping around too fast tonight.  Time to go to bed.

Last Edited on: 6/26/07 11:12 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Angie -
Date Posted: 6/26/2007 11:46 PM ET
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"Edited to say I now stupidly see that this IS the postal forum.  Guess I'm skipping around too fast tonight.  Time to go to bed."

I've done that too! But it was morning. Glad I'm not the only one. :)

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Date Posted: 6/27/2007 1:05 AM ET
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Actually, it sounds like this PM was crossing her wires. Bound Printed Matter is no longer available for over the counter customers, only bulk mailers. Media Mail is just what it says " media": books, records, videos, educational printed matter, manuscripts, etc. Books used to be able to go bound printed matter or media mail, but as stated previously, BPM is not available any more.

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Date Posted: 6/27/2007 2:28 AM ET
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Jean, you happen to have the Internet addy for the bulletin with that info or the number for her to give to the PM?

needin2read avatar
Date Posted: 6/27/2007 9:48 AM ET
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Jean, when did this change occur?  As I said, I got one yesterday that had the BPM stamp on it.  Just curious.

Coffee avatar
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Date Posted: 6/28/2007 8:03 PM ET
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The change occured 5/14/2007.  It is part of the new rate package. 

As Jean said, the PM must be a bit confused on this issue.  As I've mentioned in a previous thread, a whole lot of us are confused on several issues with this new rate case.  The PO has done a very poor job of training us and informing the public.

BPM can no longer be paid for over the counter.  You can't bring it in and have us weigh, rate, and apply postage to it.  If you apply your own postage we can take it but we can't apply postage.  I have no idea why the change, I'm just a grunt on the front line which means many times I'm told what to do but not why.

Media mail is still Media Mail, nothing has changed with it except the rates.


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Date Posted: 6/29/2007 1:58 AM ET
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So what exactly *does* qualify as "bound printed matter"? can anyone give any examples?


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Date Posted: 6/29/2007 2:04 AM ET
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Ok, answering my own question here:

From the USPS site:

Bound Printed Matter is typically catalogs, directories, books, and other printed material that weigh up to 15 pounds and meet specific eligibility standards in 463.2.0. Contents must:

  • Consist of advertising, promotional, directory, or editorial material (or any combination of these).
  • Be securely bound by permanent fastening.
  • Consist of sheets of which at least 90% are imprinted by any process other than handwriting, typewriting with letters, characters, figures, or images (or any combination of these).
  • Not have the nature of personal correspondence.
  • Not be stationery (e.g., pads of blank printed forms).
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Date Posted: 6/29/2007 2:04 AM ET
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(Sounds like bound printed matter includes books, but also catalogs, directories, etc., under 15 lbs., firmly bound, and you have to be sending out at least 300 & sort them is specific ways.)


edited to say: You beat me to the draw by a mere fraction of a second, I am sure :-)

Last Edited on: 6/29/07 2:06 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 6/29/2007 11:18 AM ET
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Also, if BPM has any kind of trouble getting where it's going, they throw it out instead of returning it to sender.

Coffee avatar
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Date Posted: 6/29/2007 8:22 PM ET
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Bound Printed Matter does include books but as Eloise pointed out it isn't returnable or forwardable for single piece mailers, it is destroyed.

There are other classes of BPM that are forwardable and returnable, most book clubs etc. use it, but that's not something an individual can/would use.  It comes along with a heafty charge for the service.

missa avatar
Date Posted: 7/14/2007 12:34 PM ET
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I was in the yesterday, and I think there was something misunderstood between my mom and the PM.  The PM had been out on medical leave for 6months or so after a car accident, and she was still getting all the new rates and rules understood.  I've been able to mail my books at the media rate (on the few occasions that the books weighed more than 7oz)

The PM did mention that these new regulations are a real PITA

debs avatar
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Date Posted: 7/17/2007 6:42 AM ET
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Steve, can you please explain the difference between a BPM Book and  Media Mail-allowed Book?  Is there one?

Thanks!  -Deb

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Date Posted: 7/17/2007 11:59 AM ET
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The post office always tells me that they do not advise media mail since it is subject to being openened and searched due to the large number of schmebayers that try to save on postage. I have never had a prob, though, and I've been using it for years!

EasyForTheEyes avatar
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Date Posted: 7/17/2007 5:19 PM ET
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difference between a BPM Book and  Media Mail-allowed Book?

Deb, from a post a bit up the page:

From the USPS site:

Bound Printed Matter is typically catalogs, directories, books, and other printed material that weigh up to 15 pounds and meet specific eligibility standards in 463.2.0. Contents must:

  • Consist of advertising, promotional, directory, or editorial material (or any combination of these).

So, I would take that to mean that our books for reading don't qualify.  Wonder if those brand name cookbooks that can't go Media could go BPM.

royaltech avatar
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Date Posted: 7/17/2007 5:24 PM ET
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The problem with using BPM is that it is neither a forwardable nor returnable class of mail. If it gets to the other end and has a problem with the address, they dump it in the trash. They don't return it to you postage due nor will they forward it postage due, it goes straight into the trash.

Coffee avatar
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Date Posted: 7/17/2007 6:32 PM ET
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Books do qualify for BPM but there are two very good reasons not to send them this way.  As Sherry said, BPM isn't forwarded or returned, it's trashed if not deliverable at the address it's addressed to.

The other reason is we can no longer do BPM across the window.  If you have the postage on it we can accept it but we can no longer do that for you at the window.  No explination given by the PRC, this started with the new rates.

debs avatar
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Date Posted: 7/18/2007 6:22 AM ET
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K. - thanks for pointing that out.  I did see that original posting, but must have read it way too fast, because I read it as "must not  consist of advertising, promotional... etc".  Then I got all confused.  Hence my redundant question.  My only excuse is:  if you see how early my question was raised, you can tell I was half-asleep when I asked it.  lol


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Date Posted: 7/22/2007 10:48 PM ET
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So, do I get to used the "discount" rates for BPM if I weigh it & stamp it & hand it across the counter?   That's the only rates I can find for BPM--am I , as a lowly normal person, still allowed to actually mail that, and at the rates given at the discount rate?

(If so, why can't I do the same for the discount rates for media?  I'd stamp my books myself for that discount!)

The PO web site needs to be updated. Under BPM it says "see here how much!" and sends you to the postage calculator--which no longer covers BPM.   Very frustrating to try and track it down and what's valid, who can use it, and how to do it. 

Coffee avatar
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Date Posted: 7/23/2007 8:22 PM ET
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The way I understand is if it already has postage on it then we can take it across the window.  One thing to keep in mind is that BPM is a rate class that is primarily used by businesses and they have their own options on calculation and applying postage.
